Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [noun sg] [be] that " in BNC.

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1 The great opportunity for Labour is that it will again be the main repository of anti-Conservative votes .
2 The final way in which social routines may provide support for language is that they create the conditions whereby the child is motivated to speak .
3 2.2 Business secrets The particular importance of an express clause covering business secrets during employment is that it avoids some of the problems encountered in Bjorlow ( GB ) Ltd v Minter ( 1954 ) 71 RPC 321 .
4 The big worry for Town is that Arsenal 's goal came from the prolific Ian Wright , his 23rd this season , although it was only The Gunners ' fourth goal in 15 games .
5 The expansionists acknowledge that the great worry about devaluation is that it will be inflationary and could at best be self-defeating or , at worst , bring in higher interest rates and slower growth .
6 I think the main ingredient for success is that you have to have a good sense of timing .
7 The first ingredient for success is that managers are sensitive to the impact that changes may make to the lives of those concerned .
8 But perhaps the greatest fear about workfare is that it might reduce the political spur to create jobs and lead to an army of people working in poorly paid conditions .
9 The reason the coding metaphor has such currency in contemporary talk about perception is that it seems to suggest a way in which very simple and apparently homogenous elements such as nerve impulses can generate the richness and variety of consciousness .
10 The third criterion for recognition is that the item can be measured at a monetary amount with sufficient reliability .
11 The second condition for equilibrium is that firms enter until the next potential entrant would make a loss .
12 If , as Anthony Giddens suggests in Central Problems in Social Theory ( 1979 ) , one of the characteristics of ideology is that it makes the present appear natural , then this something else may be the province of ideology .
13 Another reason for the more restricted use of these sorts of typification is that the situations in which they become operative are infrequent , such as the typifications ‘ old biddies ’ or ‘ old dolls ’ for pensioners who make petty complaints , ‘ Easton funny ’ for strange and odd events , and ‘ loopers ’ for odd and strange people .
14 One important theoretical characteristic of logogens which has stimulated a great deal of experimentation is that they mediate priming effects in word recognition , i.e. the faster recognition of a word following previous recent exposure to that word .
15 The force of law is that it becomes part of common sense , and makes ‘ common sense ’ prescriptions about public order , theft and hard work .
16 One basic defect in these methods of scrutiny is that M.P.s must know the right questions to ask .
17 A common feature of all these systems and methods of control is that they contribute to the setting of standards , as well as to the measuring of performance against standards .
18 One of the criticism 's frequently directed at anthropological methods of inquiry is that they cause cultures to be presented as being essentially static .
19 The allegation of negligence was that the defendant had failed to observe a foetal abnormality during pregnancy and the plaintiff had been denied the possibility of an abortion .
20 The main reason for the closure of Redheugh is that ‘ it is in the wrong area with very few young people now coming from the local community , ’ said an Salvation Army statement .
21 Another result of training is that the different signals arriving at an element often have similar values , except that some are positive and some negative .
22 The new position as a result of Litster is that the purchaser can be liable for any dismissal in connection with a sale irrespective of whether the dismissals take place before , on or after completion .
23 The rationale of the overall programme of work is that it will have clear implications for policy and the prevention of problems associated with the consumption of addictive substances and clear implications also for the social sciences .
24 The tragedy of man is that he declares himself autonomous of God and in consequence is condemned to live East of Eden .
25 A further fear of industry is that the monies raised by carbon taxation will not be channelled into research or development of energy efficiency but will simply be used to line government coffers .
26 Indeed , one of the strengths of fundamentalism is that its apologetics are within the reach of the average man and woman .
27 One of the attractions of windsurfing is that the equipment can be transported so easily .
28 It is difficult at the best of times to persuade consumers to try a new product , but when it is more expensive than rump steak the problem is exacerbated , particularly when one of the undeniable attractions of vegetarianism is that it is such a cheap alternative to eating meat .
29 It is difficult to persuade consumers to try a new product , but when it is more expensive than rump steak the problem is exacerbated , particularly when one of the attractions of vegetarianism is that it is such a cheap alternative to meat
30 The problem with such a characterisation of pluralism is that it bears little resemblance to what pluralists actually say pluralism means , and consequently it is hardly surprising that even the most cursory of empirical investigations can show such a naive version of pluralism is untenable as a description of the distribution of power in Western liberal democracies .
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