Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [noun sg] be the " in BNC.

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1 The most significant reasons for deforestation are the spread of shifting cultivation , increasing plantation agriculture and large-scale ranching , logging , mineral extraction and road and dam construction .
2 One of the reasons for failure is the need to measure more background variables , chosen to meet the needs of decision-makers ; critics of NAEP think that more effort should be made to find out the needs of such decision-makers .
3 The Regional Council refused planning permission for the development in November of last year , and among the reasons for refusal was the lack of justification for the commercial development , and the harm that would be caused to this particular part of the Green Belt .
4 In a common law country , the preparation of a case for trial is the private responsibility of the parties , and so the taking of evidence , without compulsion , by a consul or a commissioner does not necessarily offend such a country 's concept of judicial sovereignty ; but the position may be very different where , as in many civil law countries the obtaining of evidence is part of the judicial function , and official permission is be required before the evidence can be taken privately .
5 The most basic case for charging is the general case for pricing in a competitive economy ( Seldon , 1977 ) .
6 The catalyst for change was the so-called ‘ Agreement ’ signed between the Government and the Stock Exchange in 1983 .
7 Part of the reason for the uncertainty surrounding the new administration 's plans for science are the large number of unfilled positions at OSTP and the ambiguous relationship between it and the office of Vice President Al Gore , the leading figure within the administration on technology issues .
8 Medvedev argues that the Chernobyl disaster and the resulting struggle for truth were the main causes of the abolition of censorship in the Soviet Union .
9 A common theme , especially from those enthusiastic about the proposal , was the need for commitment : ‘ the struggle for justice is the only hope for the movement of society towards the kingdom of God …
10 The link through language is the most obvious and most straightforward one to make if your syllabus is based on linguistic items such as language structures or functions .
11 The loss of working-class support for Labour is the outstanding feature of post-war electoral sociology in Britain .
12 The best part about camping is the fact that you 're out in the open .
13 Back on the rails and shelves at Woodhouse for autumn are the designs of Marithé and François Girbaud , who were among the most creative design teams in the world in the 1980s .
14 It decided that the criterion for liability for damage was the reasonable foreseeability of the injury .
15 Three likely candidates for study are the comets Enke , Tempel 2 and Honday-Mrkos-Pajdusakova .
16 I wrote to the effect that I did indeed look forward to life with him , and that my guidelines for living were the same as his .
17 The search for quality is the task of partnerships , and the criteria for quality partnerships are well known .
18 The guiding light in the search for theory was the methods of natural science ( usually equated with physics ) , construed in strictly observational terms .
19 Among the first people known to have used pearls for jewellery were the ancient Egyptians , who wore them as pendants to earrings and threaded onto necklaces alongside cowries , coral , scarabs and precious stones certainly as early as the middle of the second millennium B.C. Tomb paintings depict them wearing pearls on their clothing and chest-ornaments of mother-of-pearl suggest that they were already exploiting the Red Sea fisheries , later mentioned by Strabo and other Classical writers , by the twelfth dynasty .
20 THE main public response to A Force for Change is the Plus Programme , a continuing series of measures drawn up by Deputy Assistant Commissioner Charles Pollard and Commander Alec Marnoch .
21 The greatest force for change is the growth of the superstores , likely to dominate British electronics within five years .
22 It is Protestant perceptions which explain their actions and those perceptions were amplifying the fundamental divisions between those unionists who remained committed to pragmatic reform , either because they believed in liberal unionism or because they believed that satisfying the Westminster government 's demands for reform was the only way to maintain Stormont , and the right-wingers who wanted to preserve traditional unionism .
23 Another good reason for antiracist scepticism about culture was the emergence in the 1980s of a ‘ new racism ’ based not on ideas of innate biological superiority , but on the supposed incompatibility of cultural traditions ( see , for example , Barker , 1981 ) .
24 In Ancient Egypt , where the term for wife was the same as the term for sister , and men frequently married sisters who were full siblings , the distinction seems to have disappeared altogether .
25 Behind the optimistic rhetoric of a new definition of work and increased opportunities for leisure is the spectre of enforced idleness , wasted resources and the squandering of a whole generation of human potential .
26 The only monitor for management was the market .
27 The import of grain and export of coal being the two main cargoes .
28 Travelling ( usually on public transport ) , blue tunics and a great deal of fun were the hallmarks of those early days , as small groups of class members ( and sometimes their children ) went with Peggy or Molly to lecture , demonstrate and promote Medau .
29 A matter which has taken a great deal of time was the proposal before ITAC in relation to future arrangements for the Electronic Distribution of the Crown Court List .
30 And since the perception of fairness is the acid test for democracy — the very basis of its legitimacy — the unfairness argument overrules all others .
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