Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [noun pl] that you " in BNC.

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1 Think back to the stuff we did on memory , a little and often is a good way of trying to remember things Okay , it 's useful if you 've covered topic areas to actually think about writing essays about questions that you think about to get you used to the style and time s scale of actually dealing with exams .
2 You may discover early on in an interaction through words that you share common ground ( that you both went to the same school , for instance ) .
3 You use semicolons and colons to indicate specific relationships between sentences that you wish to connect together into a larger , composite sentence .
4 And before the children left they were given a carrier bag with all sorts of things that you could think of and to see the delight on those little children 's faces !
5 What can we get out of it and we 'll do that tomorrow , we 'll derive y'know estimates of expectations , co-efficients and and elasticities and it 's those sorts of things that you might be asked to in an exam but , you wo n't need to derive anything in your exams
6 So these are the sorts of things that you want to be looking for .
7 Erm if you just liken it , I mean I was a beat officer here for eight years and the sorts of things that you 'd come on duty erm to see , are you may , you might get the nutty woman , who who er , you reoccur and you have to go and see her and you ge , erm , but all the shift members can then pass that to the beat officer .
8 Now they may have their own reasons for that and it may be difficult for them to send someone at this precise moment , but I do n't think that they 're necessarily geared up to dealing with the sorts of things that you want them to deal with .
9 The other thing you should remember is that there are all sorts of confidences that you can apply to these sort of things .
10 They were the sorts of contacts that you have when you 're signing on at the Employment Benefits Office , when you 're going to a job interview erm and often these are very negative because the experience of signing on is n't a very pleasant experience at all ; most job interviews , unfortunately , end with a rejection erm so a lot of these non-routine contacts were quite negatives ones for people .
11 The sorts of experiences that you then get people talking about is really well I 've learnt to stand up for myself for the first time , erm I now know what I want to do , I know who I am , erm projects where I 've been involved , where you get women saying things like well two years ago I would never have dreamt of going and talking to the Council about my house , or my children , or that I ca n't get a job because I ca n't get child care , and I would n't have dreamt of doing that and people who now say well now I can do that , I know that I can go and stand up for myself and stand up for what I think is right , just as well as my husband can .
12 I do not mean just dating by this ; there are all sorts of relationships that you can enter into that are just on a one-to-one basis .
13 What I do n't wa , I know it 's handy sometimes you think , ah that covers a lot of things for me and you may have come across something yourself I 'll the there is a key , there should be a key to those things in my cupboard , those lifelines things not the same as cha , I 've got all sorts of ideas that you might pick out and say right we can use that as a lesson you might even just say well sod copyright I 'm gon na photocopy that and I 'll use it !
14 Then the heads of departments that you 're going
15 An antenna ( commonly known as a dish ) to pick up signals , and a receiver-decoder to convert these signals into programmes that you can watch on your TV .
16 And this is where the second proposal is , that , there is again confusion between having a joint pol erm , a , erm , a joint policy group at chief officer level , and J C P T , and that again those should as it were combined , but that the arrangement could be s could be erm , kept as small and tight to encourage effective action as you move into joint commissioning , and that is bringing your budget alongside that of the Health Authority , and would be the best way to get erm , the best leverage on services that you can across that divide .
17 It could have it like those , like those , like those , or like those So that would be one deck of cards that you 'd be given and they 'd have the four types of symbols on them , separately of course .
18 ’ People still come up to me on the streets all the time and ask the most personal kind of questions that you 've ever heard in your life , like , ’ How could you do such-and such on screen ? '
19 I would suggest that initially one of the things we ought to be doing is making approaches to the private sector through their organisations where they exist and say , look we really have to begin to get into the kind of discussions that you have been talking about earlier between health and social work ; health , social work and the voluntary side to talk about the issues of planning and the issues of quality and the issues of the form and shape of services and what sort of developments are acceptable in client-need terms and what are not acceptable .
20 Pronto is erm an area of the store where we sell our occasional furniture and erm small priced coffee tables , hi-fi units the occasional furniture that may go erm whereas up until a couple of years ago we use to display this product around the showroom floor part of the new concept stores was that we actually set the same section in the showroom which is very much like a a shelving system whereby the stock actually sits on the shelves , the customer walks in and it 's an easy easy purchase straight off the trolley erm very much like the supermarket operation so it 's the lower priced good value occasional type furniture the cash and carry the kind of things that you do n't need sales assistants for the kind of bookcase that you would put in your children 's bedroom that kind of thing .
21 Lord Jesus , thank you for a nice sleep , thank you for another day , please help us to do the kind of things that you want us to do , prayer for Christopher to behave at school , help him to do his best and for daddy at work , for Tim and I as we stay at home , help us to know the kind of things we do and this afternoon when grandma comes we 'll spare the time for her as well , Amen .
22 First decide on your own lifestyle and the kind of clothes that you need .
23 Occasionally occupying a perch not a million miles from The Black Crowes and unafraid to cross the bridge from ‘ metal ’ to ‘ mayhem ’ , Newspeak are creating a fusion nicked from the frankly , ‘ heavier ’ stalls of the pop market and the kind of tunes that you could probably whistle if your eardrums had n't just been blown away .
24 And what were y What were the kind of jobs that you were expected to do then ?
25 Often you know in your heart of hearts that you are capable of performing better , and your own disappointments with yourself are an important information source .
26 Equally important are notes of cases that you have settled in-house as these tend to give a more accurate picture and are particularly helpful for smaller awards .
27 Practice these techniques at times when you feel fine so that you will become expert for times that you may need them .
28 . Now what I 'm now going to do , I 'm going to tell you what these initials are , so if you , on the back of the piece of the paper , you make some notes , because some of these obviously are going to be what you , your personality is , but you also need to note , if you look at the type of things that you can expect from different people in the teams , or the strengths and weaknesses that some people may have in your team .
29 I mean you start off with a , a fixed quantity of electrons that you can push down this superconductor .
30 I therefore welcome the inclusion of SmartIcons that extend the range of operations that you can easily do with the mouse .
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