Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [noun pl] be the " in BNC.

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1 Among the responsibilities that accompany academic freedom for students are the following .
2 One of the difficulties in establishing development programmes for DRAs is the way in which the community at large views the land issue .
3 A further difficulty for children was the distance of the skischool meeting place in the village from the slopes .
4 Another kind of formal link between sentences is the substitution of words like do or so for a word or group of words which have appeared in an earlier sentence .
5 That split between cultures is the focus of this uncritical biography by Dore Ashton , an art historian who knew Noguchi for thirty years .
6 A recommended course for beginners is the RYA Competent Crew Certificate , which can be taken over three sailing weekends ( £110 per weekend ) or a full five-day course ( £215 ) .
7 NO-SEX clubs for teenagers are the latest trend in America and Canada .
8 That working-class wages would remain at subsistence level — the fact is that the real wage of the average worker has increased by a factor of over ten between 1900–70 in the UK and by a factor of fourteen in the U S over the same period ; that collective ownership of the means of production would result in an increase of wealth for the workers and so improve their lot — the fact is that in both Russia and Cuba it has been necessary to restore discipline in factories by introducing a military routine with the surplus value being siphoned off by the state ; that communist revolutions would start in such advanced industrial countries such as Britain , France , America and Germany — the fact is that a socialist revolution has taken place in none of these countries ; that conflicts between states are the results of capitalism and will cease under communism — the fact is that in the streets of Budapest and Prague , in Afghanistan and on the Soviet-Chinese border we have seen the power of the Red Army being used against fellow communists ; that the income difference between capitalists and workers will rise — the fact is that in all industrial countries the effective after-tax , after-benefits real income gap between rich and poor has diminished ; that capitalism will collapse because of its internal contradictions — the fact is that capitalism has not collapsed in any Western country , yet .
9 Generally speaking , the calculation of chargeable gains and allowable losses for companies is the same as that used for individuals paying personal tax .
10 Lotus Improv for Windows is the first dynamic spreadsheet for the Windows environment .
11 Commercial fishing has recently been developed and the export of prawns is the principal foreign exchange earner ( providing US$39,400,000 of a total of $101,100,000 in 1989 ) .
12 The association of ideas is the cement that forms the fabric of the human intellect ’ ( p.56 ) .
13 The work settings of professionals are the subject of contributions from Celia Davies and Topsy Murray , Robert Dingwall and John Eekelaar .
14 Another direct result of conquest by force of arms was the development of slavery , which was widespread up to the beginning of the nineteenth century .
15 The biggest manufacturers of CFCs are the USA , the EEC and Japan .
16 A SUCCESSION of flowers is the life-blood of most gardens but the foliage of trees and shrubs , together with perennials and grasses , can give colour and texture throughout the year .
17 Section 15(1) enacts that ‘ notwithstanding anything in any other enactment , a claim under the Act shall not be entertained after the expiration of 30 years from the date of the occurrence which gives rise to the claim , or , where that occurrence was a continuing one , or was one of a succession of occurrences all attributable to a particular happening ’ on a particular site , the date of the last event in the course of that occurrence or succession of occurrences is the relevant one .
18 But theft of clients is the norm in the industry , and is rarely the reason for anyone being sacked .
19 One of the uncertainties of the assessment of future loss of earnings is the future rate of tax .
20 ‘ Personal self-denial for the good of others was the first important lesson Annie learned , ’ says Taylor , ‘ and it was a principle by which she stood for the rest of her life . ’
21 ‘ Since the production and circulation of commodities are the general prerequisites of the capitalist mode of production , division of labour in manufacture requires that a division of labour within society should have already attained a certain degree of development ’ ( 1976 , p. 473 ) .
22 One of the strengths of organisations is the expertise that officials have accumulated over time .
23 Implementation involves a series of related tasks : so the dissemination of ideas is the first necessity to prepare people to accept change , understand what it involves and why it is worth making .
24 Discarded fragments of objects are the most common type of find on archaeological sites , and consequently it is this ‘ yesterday 's rubbish ’ that provides most information about the site and the people who used it .
25 Setting of fees is the responsibility of the client partner and should be clearly set out in any engagement letter .
26 But her most extraordinary pictures of women are the visionary/allegorical decorations showing groups or tall , slender women arranged to create compositions of beautifully rhythmic contours .
27 The formal deadline for submission of abstracts is the 30th April 1991 .
28 She points out , however , that the principal clients of lawyers are the bourgeoisie , whether as individuals or as corporate bodies .
29 There Darwin had argued that the extraordinary shapes of orchids were the result of evolution in conjunction with generally a single kind of insect fertilizer .
30 Recent molecular studies with cDNA probes have provided evidence that PGA haplotypes containing different combinations of genes are the major contributing factor in the observed protein heterogeneity .
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