Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [noun pl] [pron] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 He pointed out the sloping white stripes on the walls , whose incline indicated the nearest of the niches providing protection for plate-layers who otherwise might end up under the wheels of one of the expresses which thundered over these rails , bound for famous foreign cities .
2 While France stands shoulder to shoulder with Germany , and the two countries together account for half the EC output , the exchange rate mechanism will survive , representing a beacon of hope for federalists who still see a common currency as the bridge across which Europe must pass to a federal future , and a baleful threat for the sovereign Britishers , who see it as a black hole which could draw EC members inexorably into the same destiny .
3 The CNAA uses the category of pass degree both for courses which do not aim to achieve honours standard , and as a probationary validation category for courses which eventually acquire honours status ; it should be noted that staffing and other learning resources are significant factors in such validation .
4 ‘ You can take your mind off things yourself really , if you want to .
5 In such ways , Hitler set the vicious tone for discrimination and persecution , providing the touchstone and legitimation for initiatives which largely came from others at various levels of the Party , the State bureaucracy , and not least the SS-SD-Gestapo complex , where the ‘ Jewish Question ’ had a key functional role .
6 Independent companies are often the setting for bands who already have an idea of the sort of music they want to make , and where they want to end up .
7 This was used to infer values of the Census variables for households which never returned a form .
8 But it does make one very depressed er that people can vandalise and er infiltrate er a sacred place and take all sorts of things which quite honestly are not of a great deal of value to anybody else .
9 Cations of elements which only form one stable ion are given the same name as the element .
10 The form which NICRA took , therefore , was determined by the coalition of forces which actually came together to create it , of which the republicans were only one element .
11 For the regulationists history , to use a delightful phrase of Aglietta 's , is ‘ innovatory ’ : there is no cyclical repetition but a succession of phases which only emerge and come to an end as a resuIt of their own characteristics and particular historical circumstances .
12 The parliaments of 1931 and 1935 contained an unprecedented number of groups and remnants , apart from the solid bloc of Conservatives who always constituted a majority .
13 That relieved me from the embarrassment of having to ask for it in front of the stoical poker-faced brigade of women who often assembled in the shop in their curlers and headsquares to pass the time of day .
14 The journeymen were reluctant to give way on the question though , since the seven years was still a way of controlling entry to the profession — a proposition brutally shaken by the entry of women who hardly ever served " full " apprenticeships .
15 ( ‘ Your good influence and help has sometimes draw me from the enwrapping pleasure of scenes which before held me alone with them . ' )
16 Your good influence and help has sometimes drawn me from the enwrapping pleasure of scenes which before held me alone with them …
17 These workers have emphasised that the initial lesion in this model of atherogenesis is the adherence to endothelium of monocytes which then appear to migrate into the subendothelium , accumulate lipid and become lipid-laden macrophages or foam cells .
18 It probably takes many thousands of years for a characteristic black to brown desert varnish to develop , apparently through the action of bacteria which preferentially oxidize and concentrate certain elements especially manganese ) supplied from dust and surface water .
19 Continents are carried passively on moving sectors of plates which also embrace ocean floor ; they do not ‘ drift ’ across the latter ( Fig. 18.2 ) .
20 The recognition of parents who intentionally harmed their children could not be easily accommodated within the understanding of what these services were there to do : the scandals and the subsequent enquiries revealed time and again that social workers could not see what to lay people was painfully obvious , and what lawyers and other professionals ( with the benefit of hindsight ) constructed to be their duty to recognize .
21 Even though her aim was eventually defeated , it led to a lot of confusion amongst teenagers which still persists .
22 Through his twenties and early thirties he had a succession of short-lived relationships with girlfriends which usually ended when they tired of his unreliable and generally difficult behaviour .
23 Probes with sequences which only occur once will identify clones lying in a contiguous region of the genome , while multiple-copy probes identify a union of sets of overlapping clones ( Fig 1 ) .
24 building on LASMO 's strengths by investment in opportunities which best use the Group 's skills and expertise , and which are commensurate with management and financial capabilities ;
25 building on our strengths by investment in opportunities which best use our skills and expertise , and which are commensurate with our management and financial capabilities ;
26 When work starts on the offices the car park will be the first area completed to minimise disruption to drivers who regularly use the car park .
27 Twenty years was a long time to bear dependence if your spirit craved something stronger and your intelligence rebelled at continual submission to powers who neither , Anna felt , knew or cared how she and Peter lived .
28 Above all , the new general managers appeared to be growing in confidence and authority , making decisions and taking action on issues which formerly would have been too difficult .
29 But in fact these early chapters of Genesis are historical , in that they bear witness to events which actually took place .
30 The most perverse element of the English system is that if a child is not called , the hearsay rule pre vents anyone else — a parent , doctor or policeman — from repeating in court what the child said out of court .
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