Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [be] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 N. That 's usually an excuse for being crap on ramps .
2 This section ( 1 ) disqualifies persons in certain trades from acting in any way as a member of a board , ( 2 ) disqualifies a person holding a disqualifying interest in a company from taking part in proceedings in which the company is an applicant or an objector , ( 3 ) disqualifies an employee of a licence holder under the Act , and any person engaged in a business dealing with alcoholic liquor , including the directors , officers and employees of companies engaged in such businesses from acting as a member of a licensing board , ( 4 ) disqualifies a member of a board , who is the owner or tenant of premises , from acting in the granting of a certificate in respect of those premises , ( 5 ) makes it an offence to contravene the section , ( 6 ) declares , subject to the proviso ( that the grant of a new licence is not liable to objection on the ground that one or more of the members of the board who granted it were not qualified to act ) , anything done in contravention of the section void , and ( 7 ) exempts members of a committee to determine the distribution of licences in a new town from disqualification for being members of a board by reason of their membership of the committee .
3 Further suppose that he had tried Kant 's remedy of being kind to his dogs , only to discover that it served merely to fan the flames of his misanthropy .
4 Er Brothers of were manufacturers of sheep dips and various disinfectants .
5 The second present was a book toke ) a ‘ thank you ’ for having had the pleasure of being President of the Medau Society .
6 It has the illusions of being part of the process by which your priorities may be achieved but , looked objectively , it is unlikely that it really contributes to this aim .
7 The mates that I played football with were skinheads into Blue Beat while the girls were into that pop group The Love Affair .
8 He immediately took to his heels with is case of cigarettes and led me a merry dance away from the docks , through a council estate , finally finishing up on the perimeter track of Ipswich Airport where I was rescued in the nick of time by a squad car full of policemen just as I was about to be filled in by the burly seaman .
9 Unhappy about losing 80 per cent of their profits on Virgin acts , but unwilling to surrender 10–20 per cent , most foreign companies accepted the switch from being licensees to being distributors .
10 WHEN we cast our votes at election time , we do n't expect candidates to be paragons of virtue but we do expect honesty and integrity — traits completely lacking in this discredited Government .
11 There is a wonderful opportunity for a limited number of ( loud and enthusiastic ) Amnesty members and supporters to be part of the audiences for The Big Three-O and there is only one catch — you have to wear a fancy dress costume reflecting the fashions of either the 60s , 70s or 80s .
12 The terms of a contract are normally express ( i.e. stated by the parties to be part of it ) .
13 It was the poverty researcher , B. S. Rowntree , who , around the turn of the twentieth century , pioneered the revolutionary idea of asking the subjects of research to be respondents to surveys .
14 Where he becomes ridiculous is in his desperate ambition to be part of the working class , striking a rather pathetic figure as he sits in his ministerial office with his trade union banner behind his head .
15 Rhee was stated to have adopted ‘ A more cunning policy for deceiving the Korean people ’ ; Rhee 's diverse tactics were all designed to enhance his ambition to be dictator of Korea .
16 Thus El Salvador , Costa Rica and Honduras , whilst third parties to the contentious proceedings before the International Court , were asserted by the United States to be parties to the wider dispute .
17 She wants her lover to be King of Scotland ! ’
18 How the Mini Master will be regarded by Britain 's Civil Aviation Authority remains to be seen , but the CAA has indicated so far that it will expect pilots flying the aircraft to be holders of a multi engine rating , which currently costs around £1,200 to obtain on a conventional twin aircraft .
19 The five affected ministers were believed to have expressed the desire to step down , but Chandra Shekhar ruled out their resignation , taking the strictly technical line that they could continue as ministers for six months without being members of parliament .
20 If you want the entrance to be part of the item , keep moving and make it flow .
21 ( Sceptical from the start of official announcements about the disaster , Private Eye added this footnote to a later story [ 8 May 1992 ] about the suitcase of drugs found among the wreckage at Lockerbie : ‘ PS : Lord Fraser of Carmyllie has been promoted in John Major 's new administration to be minister of state at the Scottish office . ’ )
22 Hugh Despenser the Elder was re-appointed Justice of the Forests south of Trent in March 1308 , and , shortly after the king went north in September 13 10 to escape the Lords Ordainers , he appointed Piers Gaveston to be Justice of the northern forests for life , with wide powers to enclose and arrent the forest wastes and audit the agisters ' accounts , and unprecedented authority to remove verderers and appoint his own men in their places .
23 Leonato , Hero 's father , knowingly compounds confusion by being party to the plot announcing Hero 's death .
24 The idea is that Sheffield companies pay real money for the privilege of being squares on the game — for the obvious advertising benefits .
25 All told , I regard myself as incredibly lucky to have been given the opportunity of being Chairman of the National Gallery , and I could n't have enjoyed it more .
26 This involves — whether we like it or not — teaching them how to think ; the capacity for being scholars in the true sense of the word has to be shared with everyone instead of being for an elite of specially gifted , specially privileged pupils .
27 We also talked about experiences of being victims of offences and found Blacks had significantly less , and had reported fewer of these to the police .
28 Indeed , it is doubtful if anyone in sport — let alone his main rivals Stephen Hendry , the 7–4 favourite , Steve Davis and defending champion John Parrott — craves a title as much as the mercurial left-hander does the honour of being king of the green baize .
29 In the case of holiday firms the main element here would seem to be the financial advantages of being part of a larger conglomerate grouping .
30 Sampras ' original intention was to appoint as his new coach , Tom Gullikson , w ho a few weeks earlier had parted company from Jennifer Capriati when the Florida prodigy 's father failed to persuade the USTA to pay for more than 30 weeks of work with is daughter during the year .
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