Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [pron] for [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 I used to do all their printing for them for their photographers . .
2 They were presented by the Treasury with £1,000 between them for their services .
3 The kindness of my Kildalton friends in thinking of me for their minister is encouraging as showing that no truly earnest , honest .
4 Like Julia , in the earlier book , Beth catches things ‘ on the hop ’ — almost as a student whose mind is more imaginative than philosophical will react to a first reading of Bishop Berkeley by quickly turning his head , hoping to witness the sudden appearance or disappearance of those external objects which are supposed to depend on his perception of them for their existence .
5 But even as he braced himself for the end , Robin took a remarkable last photograph of himself for his family .
6 The study of something for its own sake , for the sake of knowing , understanding , grasping it and for nothing else , is an essential characteristic of education , lower or higher , though more obviously of higher education .
7 The Girl was explaining how she thought perhaps she ought to make some kind of thanks to them for their hospitality .
8 Thanks to you for your hard work in 1992 and my best wishes to you and your families in 1993 .
9 In all previous stratification systems they have been able to divert blame from themselves for their lowly status by providing reasons for their failure .
10 LORD TENTERDEN C.J. : Assuming that the offer to pay the six guineas without costs was evidence of an express promise by the defendant to pay that sum to the plaintiff as a compensation to him for his loss of time , still , if the defendant was not bound by law to pay that sum , the offer to do so not having been accepted will not avail the plaintiff .
11 Write a short article about her for your newspaper .
12 Do n't forget to carry sufficient cash with you for your requirements en route and to allow time for delays .
13 The cherry berets dragged the bewildered old montagnard away with a brusqueness which inspired no confidence in me for his future prospects .
14 It tasted heavy and there was too much whiskey in it for her taste .
15 She had fought hard to make a new life for herself — and there was absolutely no room in it for her husband .
16 Shame on her for her ignorance .
17 Leaving London behind to set up workshops producing simple functional items , taking the beauty of nature around them for their inspiration .
18 Marconi 's company went through a difficult period ; Marconi had to put all his own money into it for its survival .
19 ‘ Oh , Ven , and I thought it was because you did n't trust me enough not to ask Lubor personal questions about you for my interview . ’
20 Students will be expected to have a thorough knowledge of them for their first grading exam .
21 The accused maintained that he had gone to her home to ask if she had received a letter of apology from him for his earlier crime .
22 The players have been brilliant and all credit to them for their consistency . ’
23 I pay tribute to him for his support for the Peace Train .
24 I am taking this opportunity to pay tribute to them for their dedication , time and support over the years .
25 ‘ I pleaded with you to stay but you turned your back on me for your career and your partner .
26 When Hanns wrote an article for the London magazine Ballet Today about South African achievements , he described it as having ‘ all the qualities which a good valentine should possess … the girls flit , skip and drift hither and thither in pairs or threes , giggle coyly and point with gloved hands , while the sentimental , romantic Pierrot searches among them for his true love .
27 By the terms of their appointment many foresters of fee were supposed to provide underforesters at their own expense , but in practice some took money from them for their appointment .
28 But the Forest officers continued to attach and imprison men for Forest offences within these districts , and to take money from them for their deliverance from gaol , often compelling reluctant juries to make presentments against their will , and obtaining indictments in other irregular ways .
29 However , a letter is sent out to newly qualified drivers advising they have a qualified instructor with them for their first motorway trips .
30 The service was no novelty to him for his father had been a High Anglican vicar in another part of London and Rupert had not lost his boyhood faith until his first year at Oxford — late really , he had thought , for a clergyman 's son .
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