Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [adj] have [been] " in BNC.

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1 The reasons for this have been discussed elsewhere .
2 The reasons for this have been widely discussed yet remain relatively obscure .
3 The main reasons for this have been ( a ) the opening-up of markets to international dealing , given the abolition of exchange controls in 1979 , ( b ) the deregulation of banking and money market dealing and ( c ) the volatility of interest rates and exchange rates , and thus the desire of banks to keep funds in a form that can be readily switched from one form of deposit to another , or from one currency to another .
4 The union budget for 1991 had been set at Rbs250,000 million with provision for a Rbs26,000 million deficit [ see p. 37970 ] .
5 Presenting the 1989 budget to the National Assembly in January 1989 , the Finance Minister , William Hupper , revealed that the public-sector deficit for 1988 had been equivalent to 27 per cent of gross national product ( GNP ) , and that inflation had risen to 50,000 per cent .
6 Mr Ashton told yesterday 's hearing that neither man had served a day of his sentence as both had been out of the jurisdiction .
7 During this trial period a number of useful lessons were learned , not least of which was that we were correct in attempting to take on only one medium sized location and only progress after this had been successfully completed .
8 One excuse after another had been made .
9 Their advice and assistance offered to those seeking help through the Association during 1990 has been very much appreciated .
10 We would advise that the policy has therefore been cancelled and a full refund of premiums for 1991 has been made to your mortgage account . ’
11 The Science Vote for 1992–93 has been divided as follows ( £m ) :
12 We anticipate a shortfall of fifteen thousand pounds compared to our original budget and what we 've done in that is we 've taken an element of seven thousand in a sense below the line so that it does n't affect this committee , but this committee has had to find eight thousand pounds with that shortfall and now the bulk of that has been met by the savings we found elsewhere in the budget and the final item there is er setting up a consultants budget of ten thousand pounds , there 's not a consultants budget of any significance at , at the moment of the committee erm the County Planning Officer anticipates there 's a need for consultants in the minerals local plan work which we 're coming into this year and also to assist in environmental assessments er and special on that .
13 One result of that has been a proposal I made in 1983 with Jim Hartle of the University of California at Santa Barbara : that both time and space are finite in extent , but they do n't have any boundary or edge .
14 One result of this has been a contraction in the value that venture capitalists can put on for particular businesses .
15 One result of this has been that theology itself has become ecumenical in a fashion undreamt of a century ago , and many of the main fronts in theological debate and controversy now run across rather than along denominational boundaries .
16 One result of this has been the pervasive influence of linguistic methodology upon such studies of objects as have developed in recent decades ; and while the rise of semiotics in the 1960s was advantages in that it provided for the extension of linguistic research into other domains , any of which could be treated as a semiotic system ( e.g. Eco 1976 : 9–14 ) , this extension took place at the expense of subordinating the object qualities of things to their word-like properties .
17 The predictable result of this has been a plethora of cases in which the courts have been called upon to rule in what circumstances an assault may be described as sexual .
18 A military spokesman said that a batch of 120 had been put on a ship to return to their units in Cagayan de Oro on the southern island of Mindanao .
19 A reduced gall bladder emptying in response to a meal and to infusion of CCK-33 has been reported in such patients .
20 An indication of this has been the reduction in the activities of the rural underworld , which was such a thriving feature of village life when it was an occupational community , but which has now virtually disappeared .
21 And aspects of both have been exported across the world — though , sadly , vastly more of the former .
22 By January of 1802 a fence of quick had been planted all round the site and John Wing reported that the foundations were dug out and in part laid .
23 Also the effect of boiling has been mentioned .
24 The most noticeable effect of this has been very high levels of unemployment in France ( 2.8 million in October 1991 ) .
25 One effect of this has been the interest of larger companies in cheaper methods of lens fabrication ( such as direct-cast polymerisation of lenses ) and the economics of scale .
26 The paradoxical effect of this has been to put the researcher , including the one who claims to be working within applied linguistics , at a remove from the only contexts of application which can provide substantiating evidence for the relevance of the research .
27 The effect of this has been held to be that , even if the company omits to put them on the register they become members and holders of the number of shares stated .
28 The contradictions of this have been delightfully illustrated .
29 The hazards , difficulties and expense of this have been greatly exaggerated ; the usefulness in creating interest and provoking genuine subject study can be considerable .
30 He said : ‘ The Sids of old have been given their share certificates and they are reluctant to give them up .
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