Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [adj] [be] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Our reasons for that are that the especially the eight year average used by the County Council , are unduly skewed by the boom of the late eighties , and give in our view , to high a trend t to erm to work from .
2 You might then wonder what the cutting of the hair had to do with it — well , one of the features of auto-immune diseases is that they cluster within individuals and sometimes within an individual 's family , and the reasons for that are that the immune responses that we have we inherit with our genes .
3 Now he does n't actually make the concession I think it 's consistent of what he says , that he ought to concede that direct democracy might be better at improving the citizens , because after all the citizens have much more to do on in service of the state but his view is that direct democracy has the opposite failure to guardianship , that while it might be better at improving citizens it 's absolutely hopeless in managing the affairs of the state and his reasons for that is that we need experts with experience in order to carry out the affairs of government and although these people ought ultimately to be held responsible to the people , people should n't sit in judgment them in every one of their decisions .
4 And er one of the reasons for that is because of the lack of orthopaedic provision being provided and erm th the closure of our oldest part of that .
5 One of the reasons for this is that up until the early 1970s Victoria was the only state to stage classes for Rottweilers .
6 One of the reasons for this is that John Lee 's history and musical bent is just too weird to accommodate in their stories and theories .
7 Among the reasons for this is that girls seem to volunteer more readily for singing and the recruitment of boys is not given priority .
8 One of the most important reasons for this is that the Latin American elites reacted quickly and in most cases effectively to the social and economic changes brought about by the industrialisation , urbanisation and immigration of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries .
9 One of the reasons for this is that there are six cats living in this house .
10 The reasons for this are as follows :
11 One of the reasons for this was that while the border districts bred massive ambition for simplistic solutions , it also bred an open cynicism about the effectiveness of all solutions .
12 It was suggested that one of the reasons for this was that his main work as an advocate had been on behalf of trade unions , and on one occasion he had walked out of the National Industrial Relations Court in protest at the judge .
13 With party membership on the decline could one of the reasons for this be because of the cost ?
14 I mean it stuck out like a sore thumb , I mean er by King George 's playing fields erm cos of the , they had n't the , th the , the s other story for that was as I said was we they sent er some of us to a class in Walsall for er aircraft recognition and er the days I went to this class , cos I went as er , er both for the factory and for the Home Guard , so that I could cover both the factory and when I were on duty , Home Guard and we was at a building on the corner of Corporation Street and west , and we was taking classes in there .
15 My advice to readers wanting to know about the status of support groups for '558 is that there is no officially-recognised , or even tolerated , body .
16 Because another way in which I had to throw good money after bad was that after he died once I started having things done in the house they kept on turning up things that he had done that were absolutely N B G
17 My modest prediction for 1957 is that the moral debate on Aids will spread from the pulpit and the banqueting suite to the courts .
18 Extremes in the weather are nothing new for the British garden and one fairly safe prediction for 1990 is that the weather will be as unpredictable as ever .
19 The humiliation for some is that they can not talk to their English-speaking grandchildren .
20 The only condition for this is that the pictures must be PCX files .
21 The result of that was that by the time I 'd rushed across the road , dashed up the stair well found the place , dashed up the stairs , I was out of breath and er had n't composed myself and I just res resembled a quivering blob that er
22 Not surprisingly , one result of this is that the pyroclastic material erupted in a Surtseyan eruption is much more highly fragmented than that in a similar basaltic eruption taking place on land , and this in turn means that the deposits produced contain a much greater proportion of very small particles than their Strombolian counterparts .
23 The result of this is that the law relating to fraud and commercial affairs in general is strictly limited in its scope .
24 The result of this is that , when he becomes an adult , he is likely to experience a considerable amount of difficulty in standing on his own two feet — let alone taking responsibility for his part in the bringing up of a family of his own .
25 The result of this is that when line ‘ C ’ is fixed , the rate of turn brought about by the lateral position of the connecting ring is reduced when the ring is moved up , and increased when the ring is moved down .
26 The result of this is that the rotor disc shows a greater angle of incidence relative to the direction in which the model was originally travelling and , therefore , more lift ( Fig.5.5 ) .
27 One result of this is that the pied flycatcher must be quick off the mark early in the season in order to get the most nutritious caterpillars .
28 The result of this is that males have no idea as to whether or not they are the father of the offspring they raise .
29 A common result of this is that when the philosophers deny autonomy to women , they do so for the same sorts of reason that they deny it to children and cite lack of rationality , capriciousness and vulnerability among their characteristics .
30 The result of this is that a spelling like with can realize three separate classes : OE wiht ( 'wight , person' ) , OE wip ( 'with' ) , and OE hwit ( 'white' ) , and this of course applies to other items of these types .
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