Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [noun] not [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Er it gives us when when we actually set the thing up and make the presentation , it gives us another opportunity for publicity not only in the local papers o of our own area but the local papers of wherever the school was .
2 On the other hand , I 'd been pulled by the cops for reasons not yet clear but had something to do with enigmatic Jo Scamp and her gaff in Sedgeley House .
3 Withdrawal of support for activities not contractually required meant that some changes which teachers had been willing to make had not yet been realized .
4 They will have noted the strong support for Maastricht not only in the Bundestag but also in the Bundesrat , the upper chamber representing Germany 's independent-minded Länder ( states ) .
5 The partial success of Cuba 's policy is confirmed by the fact that as late as January 1961 Washington was aware that its scope for attacking the Castro regime through the OAS was still limited , and a majority for sanctions not yet assured .
6 The geographical distribution of foreign direct investment ( FDI ) in many developing countries has meant job openings for women not only in the cities but also in small country towns and rural areas .
7 These include the requirement to provide health checks for all new patients , three yearly checks for patients not otherwise seen , and annual checks for patients over 75 .
8 To express the awkwardness of the Spartan position Thucydides uses awkward language ( i.88 ) : the Spartans voted , he says , that the ‘ libations ’ had been broken and took a decision for war not so much because they were persuaded by the arguments of their allies as because they were afraid of the growth of Athenian power .
9 The School of Scottish Studies in the Faculty of Arts affords opportunities for work not only on Scottish music but in all fields of ethnomusicology ; there is a sound archive containing material from all over the world .
10 The Act thus attempted to control the admissibility of such evidence in the courtroom for reasons not only for its biasing effects upon a jury , but also for subsequent press coverage , which is often based on courtroom interaction .
11 However anyone is welcome to these meetings , we do discuss all sorts of things not just topics related to work .
12 There 's all sorts of accidents not only having the computer switched off , you might accidentally mess the file up or erase it or whatever , er , you 've still got the original copy on the disk so if you keep saving it every ten minutes or so , then you always lose more than ten minutes ' work .
13 They , they 're sort of like a probation officer , social worker , that sort of thing , erm most people come to us with all sorts of problems not just not particularly housing problems .
14 Mrs Sutton sold all sorts of items not only tea , sugar , butter and other essentials but also innumerable medicines , corn cures , pot menders and suchlike , all displayed on hanging cards at the back of the shop .
15 The most informative is undoubtedly that caused by Gundovald 's claim to the throne , since Gregory of Tours not only allocates a considerable amount of space to the rebellion itself , but also provides evidence in the ensuing books of the Histories which illuminates the nature of the " pretender's ' following .
16 The volume and speed of traffic not only creates a sense of danger but makes a significant contribution to noise and air pollution .
17 Programme of work not yet determined .
18 Dr Martini predicted the BBC 's plans would also provoke the complete opposition of islanders not directly involved in the affair .
19 These features take on particular interest when combined with the findings of Squire ( 1964 ) whose study of readers not only found evidence of a considerable need on the part of adolescent readers for association and empathy with the characters in a work of fiction , but also a clear correlation between emotional involvement with a story and the formulation of literary judgment .
20 On the other hand , there may be real value in divergence of approach not only in terms of flexibility , but also in encouraging experimentation which may lead to overall advances being made , which might otherwise not be possible .
21 The requirement for functional intactness of software not only entails the maintenance of bit-perfect records but also implies the provision at some time of operational contemporary hardware or a functional equivalent .
22 This latter difficulty , possible manipulation by managers , is found with practically all performance indicators , with gaming often being practised both to meet targets and to downgrade aspects of performance not specifically measured .
23 At Pilkingtons and Ford , benchmarking exercises were confined to manufacturing costs and work organization , whereas RX instigated a more profound organizational benchmarking , isolating competitive gaps in all aspects of organization not simply as a sporadic trigger exercise to prioritize change areas but as an on-going process .
24 Compare this rendering of Herakles carrying off the Kerkopes ( mischievous goblins who had annoyed him ) with the same scene on a metope from a building at Foce del Sele on the west coast of Italy not far from Paestum , a sanctuary of Hera .
25 Furthermore , treatment of rats with omeprazole leads to a decrease of somatostatin not only in the antrum but also in the fundic mucosa .
26 Many blamed the coming of sound not only for its enormous expense and for making producers rely on highly conventionalized and , by their very nature , static plots of theatrical origin , but also for taking all the essential fantasy out of film-going .
27 Many men will leave the aircraft with weights not far short of their own body weight ; almost all of this kit will be essential to carry out the soldiers ' tasks .
28 It must be regarded as extremely probable that Oswiu was able to seek help in the confrontation with Penda not only from the Scots but also from the Picts , possibly even from the Irish ( see also below , p. 99 ) .
29 Greg was working on some kind of deal in Italy not long before he … before the accident .
30 If the woman answers citizen in Britain not just in certain areas , and I move for support .
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