Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [noun] are the " in BNC.

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1 The most significant reasons for deforestation are the spread of shifting cultivation , increasing plantation agriculture and large-scale ranching , logging , mineral extraction and road and dam construction .
2 Among the responsibilities that accompany academic freedom for students are the following .
3 The most pernicious causes of contamination for PCR are the products of previous reactions .
4 Part of the reason for the uncertainty surrounding the new administration 's plans for science are the large number of unfilled positions at OSTP and the ambiguous relationship between it and the office of Vice President Al Gore , the leading figure within the administration on technology issues .
5 Back on the rails and shelves at Woodhouse for autumn are the designs of Marithé and François Girbaud , who were among the most creative design teams in the world in the 1980s .
6 NO-SEX clubs for teenagers are the latest trend in America and Canada .
7 That working-class wages would remain at subsistence level — the fact is that the real wage of the average worker has increased by a factor of over ten between 1900–70 in the UK and by a factor of fourteen in the U S over the same period ; that collective ownership of the means of production would result in an increase of wealth for the workers and so improve their lot — the fact is that in both Russia and Cuba it has been necessary to restore discipline in factories by introducing a military routine with the surplus value being siphoned off by the state ; that communist revolutions would start in such advanced industrial countries such as Britain , France , America and Germany — the fact is that a socialist revolution has taken place in none of these countries ; that conflicts between states are the results of capitalism and will cease under communism — the fact is that in the streets of Budapest and Prague , in Afghanistan and on the Soviet-Chinese border we have seen the power of the Red Army being used against fellow communists ; that the income difference between capitalists and workers will rise — the fact is that in all industrial countries the effective after-tax , after-benefits real income gap between rich and poor has diminished ; that capitalism will collapse because of its internal contradictions — the fact is that capitalism has not collapsed in any Western country , yet .
8 Three likely candidates for study are the comets Enke , Tempel 2 and Honday-Mrkos-Pajdusakova .
9 The work settings of professionals are the subject of contributions from Celia Davies and Topsy Murray , Robert Dingwall and John Eekelaar .
10 The principal methods of investigation are the collection and analysis of secondary data , complemented by personal interviews , where necessary .
11 The principal methods of investigation are the same in Phase 11 as they were in Phase 1 : in-depth technical interviews with key professionals , participant observation at professional seminars , documentary and legal analysis and courtroom observation .
12 The methods of fixing are the same : we use either hazel spars cut from the hedgerow and twisted to form staple-like shapes , or nail the reeds in place with special thatching crooks ( hooked nails ) .
13 The biggest manufacturers of CFCs are the USA , the EEC and Japan .
14 New interpretations of archaeological discoveries suggest that the Garden of Eden and the lost civilisation of Atlantis are the true folk memories of our distant past and that the cudgel-wielding caveman has no more historical truth than do The Flintstones .
15 ‘ Since the production and circulation of commodities are the general prerequisites of the capitalist mode of production , division of labour in manufacture requires that a division of labour within society should have already attained a certain degree of development ’ ( 1976 , p. 473 ) .
16 The NCC lines up the National Curriculum with the inclusion of children with severe learning difficulties in the education system in 1970 , with the Warnock Report 's claim that the goals of education are the same for all pupils ( DES 1978 ) and with the 1981 Education Act 's integration clause .
17 In the far west , beyond the Old World and the Elven Kingdoms of Ulthuan , the Orcs and Goblins of Naggaroth are the descendants of captives taken by the Dark Elves many thousands of years ago .
18 The skills required for the practice of law are the same whatever the field in which you work .
19 All the other aspects of cultivation are the same as for the delicate Aponogeton species coming from Malagasy .
20 The words of institution are the language of sacrifice ; the breaking of the bread and the pouring of the wine symbolise the death of Jesus .
21 As usual we take the immediate point — Frodo and the others want to get out of the forest — while reading through to a kind of universality : the ‘ shadowed land ’ is life , life 's delusions of despair are the ‘ woods ’ , despair will end in some vision of cosmic order which can only be hinted at in stars or ‘ sun ’ .
22 Discarded fragments of objects are the most common type of find on archaeological sites , and consequently it is this ‘ yesterday 's rubbish ’ that provides most information about the site and the people who used it .
23 Hence the variables of interest are the current density , the electron velocity , the space-charge density , the longitudinal electric field strength , and the potential
24 But her most extraordinary pictures of women are the visionary/allegorical decorations showing groups or tall , slender women arranged to create compositions of beautifully rhythmic contours .
25 Walker 's most liberating pictures of femininity are the many watercolours of groups of women sometimes with children gathered by the sea .
26 Across the stretch of water are the three other islands , the Střelecký , where archers trained in their craft ; the Dětský or Jews ' Island , now given over to a children 's playground ; and the Slovanský which used to have a fine dance hall .
27 She points out , however , that the principal clients of lawyers are the bourgeoisie , whether as individuals or as corporate bodies .
28 Recent molecular studies with cDNA probes have provided evidence that PGA haplotypes containing different combinations of genes are the major contributing factor in the observed protein heterogeneity .
29 The most obvious connotations of emptiness are the helplessness and hopelessness to which I have so often referred and , in addition , a general sense of worthlessness .
30 The Fauchon Food Halls in Paris are the epitome of luxury .
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