Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [noun] over [adj] " in BNC.

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2 It is also a very useful rig for fishing over soft mud and weed .
3 In the struggle between them and the King 's Courts for jurisdiction over ecclesiastical property — the right to present a clergyman to a living , for instance — the King 's Courts were successful at an early time in getting and keeping the jurisdiction in their own hands .
4 It might be expected that where such clonal growth is possible , the struggle for existence over long periods of stable management would lead to the local dominance of single clones — those that had succeeded in a struggle for existence with others .
5 Nor was Washington pleased when the British resorted to their usual tricks in their search for influence over American policy .
6 Even the London Docklands Development Corporation ( arguably the least local of the boards ) has been involved in negotiations with the London Borough of Newham over low-cost housing and has resisted proposals from developers to utilize land allocated for such housing for other purposes .
7 Directly and indirectly , they have a great deal of influence over curricular matters .
8 We have repaid a great deal of debt over recent years .
9 From the Carlowitz peace negotiations with the Habsburgs in 1699 , successive grand viziers began to leave him a good deal of control over foreign affairs , though he again was also entrusted with a wide variety of other and quite different functions .
10 Gray and Jenkins ( 1984 , p. 425 ) point to intraorganizational tensions created by the FMI : for example , between service departments on the one hand and the Treasury ( and formerly also the Management and Personnel Office ) on the other , with the latter fearing loss of control over departmental expenditure and manpower .
11 It was generally accepted , however , that the organization was in some disarray as a result of splits over revolutionary doctrine and personal leadership .
12 well done , I never can get that word out I stumble with it every time and that gets a signal from the brain that says this is a difficult situation this is something I 'm not used to this is some I it 's very primitive it 's it 's from the days in the jungle or whatever er a fear of fright over absolute it 's fight or flight , and that 's why you start breathing quicker because the blood wants more oxygen because it 's ready to run or to fight because the muscles , it is
13 Indictment of Fabius over infected blood scandal
14 Apart from its convenience as a legitimation of the rule of white over coloured , rich over poor , it is perhaps best explained as a mechanism by means of which a fundamentally inegalitarian society based upon a fundamentally egalitarian ideology rationalised its inequalities , and attempted to justify and defend those privileges which the democracy implicit in its institutions must inevitably challenge .
15 The proliferation of disputes over scarce water resources , particularly between states bordering the Nile , Euphrates and Jordan rivers , attests to the impact of resource depletion , as does the relationship between deforestation and desertification .
16 Its organization was similar in that it was controlled by persons of relatively high social status , that ransoming was a major source of profit , and that the transporting of animals over long distances was usual when a payment was not forthcoming .
17 The threat of a serious military confrontation with Ecuador over long-disputed territory in the Condor Range Amazonian border region , was reported to have faded by Oct. 29 .
18 The auditors do try to avoid entanglement with arguments over local policy ; nevertheless they are permanent watchdogs with powers of scrutiny and criticism .
19 He led St Colman 's College to victory over old adversaries St Pat 's , Maghera in the MacRory Cup final with a marvellous individual performance that saw him become the first winner of the Iggy Jones Memorial Trophy .
20 Notices may be entered on the Register of Title to protect a wide variety of interests — for example , an estate contract , a grant of easements over registered land , a lease or agreement for a lease which is not an overriding interest , and many other matters that it is desired shall come to the notice of all persons dealing with the land .
21 In the day-to-day life of a legal system its rule of recognition is very seldom expressly formulated as a rule ; though occasionally , courts in England may announce in general terms the relative place of one criterion of law in relation to another , as when they assert the supremacy of Acts of Parliament over other sources or suggested sources of law .
22 Another major advantage of bananas over other sweet foods is that they come in their own hermetically sealed biodegradable packaging — the ideal food for when you are on the move .
23 A further advantage of RMI over previous approaches was that it is consistent with the growing influence of general management .
24 One great advantage of asphalt over other forms of sheet roof covering is its tolerance to being ‘ patched ’ in situ .
25 The advantage of fondant over royal icing for covering cakes is that it is much easier and quicker to make , is more pliable and has a softer texture that many people prefer .
26 Meanwhile Laura and Bernard underwent a change of heart over educational priorities and wanted to send Nick to the nearby , old-established public school , Shrewsbury .
27 The new scale of architecture has since posed insuperable problems ; and the earlier view that town planning could provide a protective shield of refinement over new development and so avoid the brash , the banal and the ugly , was not to be .
28 Where lay the basis for the belief that there was a corporate life , a level of interchange over academic matters in which all could feel themselves to be involved ?
29 Therefore , Piaroa boys are not constrained into learning the aggressive stance of young warriors to fight men of this world ; they do not learn to accept the dominance relationships of groups of men over other groups of men .
30 But France has been hit by the kind of unease over European union that British governments have been expressing for years .
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