Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [noun] be now " in BNC.

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1 Although there had been brief conflicts between England and France in the reigns of Edward I and Edward II , the reasons for war were now much more substantial than they had been in 1294 or 1324 , and the will to war on the part of the king , if not yet on the part of most of the nobility , was much more apparent .
2 ‘ In my view , the case for compensation is now overwhelming , ’ he added .
3 Saying he would be writing again to the Prime Minister on the matter , Mr Macdonald claimed the moral case for compensation was now overwhelming .
4 Citizens who had the orthodox Soviet version of Ukrainian history rammed down their throats for decades are now being told a completely different version , arguably also coloured by the political prejudices of its authors .
5 It points out that certain elements of US policies for grain are now partly decoupled , since there is now an element of reducing support by reducing the quantities on which support payments would be made .
6 Public support for agriculture is now estimated at 166 per cent of farmers net incomes .
7 Graeme Dunlop continues as Managing Director of P&O European Ferries Ltd , while responsibility for Dover is now handed to Les Stephenson .
8 The charge for changing money for non-customers is now 2pc with a £2 minimum .
9 Losing weight for Sarah is now a difficult task .
10 Linnaeus ' artificial system of working out the relationships between species was now replaced with a natural system in which as many characters as possible were taken into account .
11 Summonses for non-payment are now running at a million a year
12 The administration of Yorkshire is now in good hands , expertly led by Sir Lawrence Byford and chief executive Chris Hassall and shortly by a committee which will be reduced by half to cut the waffling and dissent .
13 In fact the speed of light is now defined to be a constant .
14 In the later nineteenth and early twentieth centuries such methods were more difficult to use ; but the press bureaux with which more and more of the foreign offices of Europe were now equipping themselves ( the Habsburg empire in 1879 , Russia in the first years of the twentieth century , Sweden in 1909 ) were used increasingly to channel information to foreign journalists and news agencies and thus , it was hoped , create a favourable climate of opinion .
15 The Jews of Palestine were now Israelis .
16 The programme of work is now all but completed and the future of this initiative is under review .
17 The stock of books is now in excess of 9,500 and will increase each year .
18 In my opinion , the onset of rigor is now complete . ’
19 Because it was rushed through , another piece of legislation is now needed to put matters right .
20 Here the River Severn has burst its bank and acres and acres of grass are now under two foot of water .
21 But these aspects of motor-control are now being modelled by these new AI techniques , with encouraging results .
22 Three aspects of efficiency are now considered .
23 Though he claimed all the peoples of Burma were now united he admitted that this unity ‘ is only in the initial stages … tender and fragile ’ .
24 However , all the important branches of physics are now seen as engineering subjects in their own right and are often taught without much of the underlying physics .
25 ( Ironically , another interference effect of light is now generally known as Newton 's Rings . )
26 By this time in Durham one J. Bailey ( no relation ) had written that ‘ the expense of horses is now become so great , that they should not be used where it can be avoided .
27 Similarly , only circumcised men were under an obligation to fulfil the whole law ( and here I would remind you that the essence of Judaism was now legalism and observance of the commandments ) .
28 But the great national hopes built around the figure of Hitler were now falling in ruins ; fewer and fewer looked to a future under his leadership .
29 The fine web of lines was now distinct .
30 That so-called ‘ soft ’ subjects like health are now valid areas of inquiry and sport merits better and more detailed coverage has now been realised .
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