Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [noun] ['s] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The work was paid for by Hillsdown Holdings as part of a small agricultural show organised for European farm ministers at a two-day gathering hosted by Mr Gummer during Britain 's presidency of the European Community .
2 Roger Samways , Adviser for English and Drama in Dorset , was very progressive in outlook , holding views about children 's learning which were anathema to most right-wing Conservatives .
3 Our campaigns include saving the rainforests , securing better protection for Britain 's countryside and recently pressing for a ban on the ivory trade to save the elephant .
4 It must include stronger protection for workers ' health and safety , so that industrial modernisation is not pursued in ways which damage the working environment .
5 Although environmentalists declared themselves disappointed at the outcome of the meeting , they acknowledged that substantial progress towards some form of comprehensive protection for Antarctica 's environment had been achieved .
6 ‘ For your information I 've been making a cradle for Maggie 's baby while you was gone , ’ she said .
7 Tomorrow 's game will be the ideal preparation for Ballymena 's opening Division Two League clash next week with Ulster rivals Malone at Gibson Park .
8 From April 1 , 1989 , the limit for advice and assistance provided to a petitioner for divorce or judicial separation has been three times the sum for preparation for magistrates ' court criminal proceedings ; and in other cases , two times that sum .
9 Yeltsin and Shaposhnikov visited the naval base at Novorossisk on Jan 28 , ostensibly to discuss nuclear arms in preparation for Yeltsin 's visit to the UN [ see p. 38744 ] .
10 Shaikh Saad submitted his government 's resignation on March 20 , officially in order to allow the Amir to take whatever action he deemed appropriate in preparation for Kuwait 's reconstruction .
11 Jones trained during a constant downpour yesterday in preparation for Wednesday 's match against Taranaki and has been named in the team .
12 Jones trained during a constant downpour yesterday in preparation for Wednesday 's match against Taranaki and has been named in the team .
13 In 1206 he helped to victual the fleet in preparation for John 's campaign in Gascony .
14 Some advance party with orders in preparation for Isambard 's reception .
15 Security was intensified in preparation for Bush 's visit ; there were six bomb attacks , in which no-one was injured , against US targets in Athens on July 16-17 .
16 Picasso also made a series of studies of Lopokova and Massine in the can-can for Massine 's Boutique Fantasque .
17 After yesterday 's discussions between Albion 's shop stewards ' committee and the STUC general council , a number of joint tactics have been agreed to carry forward the campaign to save the plant , whose future remains uncertain .
18 The reasons for bankers ' reluctance have not been articulated .
19 They will not reveal the substance of a confidential 47-page report on the reasons for Mosher 's expulsion .
20 There are reasons for Cardus ' confidence .
21 Chapter 4 noted the reasons for London 's dominance as an international banking centre .
22 Militia sources reported that one of the main reasons for Geaga 's resignation was concern for his security .
23 When the BAe/Rover deal was first announced , surprise was expressed and questions were raised about the reasons for BAe 's interest in Rover .
24 Since the English selectors , in their evasive way , have chosen to suggest that age and the need to play one-day cricket are the real reasons for Gower 's exclusion , he 's been right to knock both dubious arguments on the head .
25 The reasons for Stanford 's success are not hard to find .
26 One of the reasons for Tip 's success as a caddie is that he was a very successful golfer in his own right ; he was a true three-handicapper because he earned his three on some of the world 's most formidable links .
27 There were several reasons for Truman 's lack of success .
28 There are all kinds of reasons for Africa 's food problems — rich and precious land being used for cash crops instead of to grow food for local people ; a much smaller proportion of land fertile enough for cultivation than is the case in Asia or Europe ; farmers being paid such pathetic prices for food crops that they turn to coffee or tobacco in order to survive .
29 One of the reasons for Fabien 's trip was to investigate various possibilities . ’
30 One of the reasons for Thornburgh 's reluctance to leave office immediately was current litigation in Pennsylvania challenging the system for selecting candidates for a special election by party convention rather than primary election .
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