Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [noun] [is] very " in BNC.

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1 In the Philippines the struggle for health is very clearly the struggle for a humane social , economic and political order .
2 The dogmatic attempt to hand on religious faith through education is very much alive within religions other than Christianity also .
3 The weight of the evidence against the scanning hypothesis for REMs is very great .
4 Certainly , the appearance of the two sorts of warts is very different , skin warts being usually less than 5mm in diameter and flattish , while the genital variety are more pointed and ‘ frond-like ’ , and may grow to considerable size .
5 With it came the first episode of Merseyside 's very own soap Brookside .
6 The perception of coal is very much a Victorian , industrial revolution , slag heaps industry doomed to extinction — a perception that 's been gently encouraged by the other sources of energy in their advertising .
7 The world can be divided up on a purely climatic basis by using any climatic parameters one likes , so that the number of possible methods of division is very large , but , as most of these are meaningless geographically , it is possible to say that pure climatic regions do not exist , at least from a geographer 's point of view .
8 ‘ The speed of change is very rapid ; these people are totally unprepared for it , ’ says Professor Taylor .
9 At ( c ) the same succession of notes is very differently treated .
10 They became a wild goose chase after an obsession of Heather 's very own , which , all else apart , cast doubt on Zohra 's confidence in her mental stability .
11 For example : it can be said at once — and briefly — that the probability that she was massively involved in the murder of Darnley is very strong .
12 Because of this the range of content and contexts for the programme of activities is very wide-ranging .
13 The study of frescos is very complex from the technical-scientific viewpoint because the painting is executed on a composite material that easily deteriorates under certain conditions .
14 This was , as I have said , not our experience , and I believe that it rests in part on a very general tendency to undervalue the potential of well motivated students in the middle ranges of ability , in part on a rejection of the idea that the study of Language is very wide , and very various , that only some parts of that large landscape are accessible only to the most intellectually gifted .
15 However , this being said , the trend towards concentration of capital is very rapid in the industry and this is likely to increase in the near future .
16 Tunstall 's main thesis is that the evidence for concentration of ownership is very weak if one charts ownership across all media fields rather than simply restricting it to the press , radio and television .
17 Not all death is anticipated however , and death from a road traffic accident or other trauma , or the sudden onset of illness is very common .
18 The onset of symptoms is very sudden and the outstanding ones are anxiety and restlessness and a terrible fear that he or she is going to die .
19 Sometimes if the the piece of furniture is very large you have to do the same with the top one where there 's another lap there , that one , another piece of beading there , and this will come out as well .
20 In the day-to-day life of a legal system its rule of recognition is very seldom expressly formulated as a rule ; though occasionally , courts in England may announce in general terms the relative place of one criterion of law in relation to another , as when they assert the supremacy of Acts of Parliament over other sources or suggested sources of law .
21 The flattening f of Mercury is very slight .
22 The tidal range in the Caribbean sea off the north coast of Panama is very modest — no more than a couple of feet .
23 In this connection the 7.5 m ( 25 ft ) raised beach , probably of late Pleistocene age , on the west coast of Scotland is very instructive .
24 Traces Of Red is very bad news indeed .
25 The advice provided by the Department of Health is very good .
26 The local work force in Cumbernauld is very proud of the fact that it has exceeded the quality standards in OKI 's Japanese plants .
27 The local work force in Cumbernauld is very proud of the fact that it has exceeded the quality standards in OKI 's Japanese plants .
28 Support and feedback from others is very helpful .
29 In matters of ‘ national security ’ — a phrase that can cover a multitude of sins — the judiciary in Britain is very reluctant to question executive action .
30 VET research in Britain is very fragmented , poorly developed theoretically and often geared to short-term objectives of policy evaluation .
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