Example sentences of "[noun] [noun sg] over [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Now it 's really gone a bit bit over the top I think .
2 The Investigation Committee also has a general monitoring function over the handling of complaints by the SCB .
3 Fighting another NME writer over a woman ; having a pint of beer in the Roxy with Robert Plant ; realising that Sid Vicious could be fronted out because he only picked on those that he was likely to win against .
4 Instead , distract your child 's attention from the buckles by fitting a play tray over the top .
5 Rosa , who is poorest of all , lives in the gypsy camp over the slope at the far end of the valley .
6 Spreading the annuity purchase over a period of years will average out rates over that period , but whether this will result in a bigger pension at the end of the day is highly speculative .
7 The car park over the bridge has been provided to accommodate the cars of those aspiring to climb Beinn Alligin , the track starting directly opposite .
8 Good examples of activities to maintain motivation are collecting inspiring dieting case histories from slimming magazines ; going out to buy a dress one size smaller than your present size ; looking at charts and graphs that show good overall weight loss over a period of time .
9 The most dramatic thing about the recent dietary fibre research is that it has , to a degree , altered the basis on which experts have been calculating potential weight loss over the past half century or so … the period during which overweight people have been begging diet doctors and dieticians to help them shed that surplus fat .
10 WIMBLEDON 's Vinnie Jones yesterday lost his appeal to the Football Association over a record £20,000 fine .
11 The £2.5 million England striker , speaking for the first time since being charged with misconduct by the Football Association over the incident , said the furore surrounding his disciplinary problems was ‘ getting beyond a joke ’ .
12 A plaintiff once brought a defamation action over the allegation that he was a highwaym .
13 Place aluminium tape over the ridge ( top ) ends of the sheets , and aluminium antidust breather tape over the eaves ( bottom ) ends .
14 It worked as well as the others , the 9,600bps Fax Receive mode offering a useful speed boost over the Pocket Gem .
15 She watched his tall figure stride over the marble floor .
16 The growth of retirement and , more recently , early retirement has ensured that an increasing proportion of older people have been excluded from the labour force over the course of this century .
17 In a tank without undergravels you have a choice ; either sprinkle a thin layer of coral sand over the base , or leave it bare and let algae grow there , making it easier for cleaning .
18 Excitement mounted ; the hills we got to know so well ; on the left Heathmynd , then Rhadley and Linley Hill ; and then on the right the dramatic landmark of the Beech Avenue curling over the top of Norbury .
19 Remembering always to carry her gas mask , stumbling home through the blackout with only a narrow beam of light from her torch to help her , and going to services in churches lit only by candles with a blackout curtain over the door .
20 It 's thought that the morning , when people are a bit lively , is a good time for therapy-type activities — perhaps have a half-hour reminiscence group over a coffee at 9.30 or 10.00 am .
21 However , this too was called off at the last minute , apparently because of opposition outrage over a massacre at Mbuji-Mayi in central Zaire .
22 It expects the 78% share of desktops currently running by MS-DOS to fall to 29% by 1997 , the Apple Macintosh to retain a 10% share over the period , Windows to rise from last year 's 7% to 28% , Unix to grow from 4% to 10% , OS/2 to rise from 1% to 8% and Windows NT to grow from nowhere to 14% over the five years .
23 Over 300 amateur golfers from across the United Kingdom and Ireland have signed up to play in next weekend 's Bass-sponsored Heart of Down tournament over the Spa , Downpatrick and Ardglass courses .
24 For Green , the flexibility of the proposal allowed for the meeting of local demand by either or both organisations , it encouraged further co-operative endeavour between them and facilitated the WEA role over the establishment of a county federation of students as an organisational framework to help overcome the perennial difficulty of isolated university extension centres .
25 Then he took two detectives to the Queenshill Bridge over the river Severn , Shrewsbury Crown Court was told on the third day of the trial .
26 The research has sought to gather comprehensive information on financial support to firms in the study area over the period 1974-84 .
27 The various funds under management achieved excellent investment performance over the year .
28 The collapse of Israel 's fragile coalition government over the issue of ministerial contacts with the PLO was narrowly averted in early January .
29 Employee concern over an article in the Independent newspaper concerning mammograms was raised at a recent meeting of the health and safety committee .
30 Tuck the neck end over the filling , draw the long sides of the bird over the stuffing and sew up with fine string to encase completely .
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