Example sentences of "[noun] [noun sg] that [pers pn] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 A particular research project that I and two colleagues , Keith Baker and Erin Sloman , have a grant from the Science Research Council for is to look first of all at the problems of getting such as system with , well at the moment three but possibly up to twelve computers , working on a given existing artificial intelligence problem to see how to take this big program — it 's called Popeye — it 's a research project to study various areas of visual perception , as you say — to see how to break this down and have it running simultaneously on a number of much smaller computers , rather than on the single big computer that it 's running on at the moment .
2 But it was then , it was from er shop floor that I that the , when the call went out for volunteers for , for the armed forces which initially was called Land Defence Volunteers , L D V , which eventually was broken down to look , duck and vanish army .
3 I believe that local authorities should have a strong housing function that we as local authorities should be providing good , well managed social housing in which our tenants have a say , where we have good tenant participation , where we have tenants taking a part in the sorts of repairs that they want to see , where every year they are er consulted and asked about where they want us to go next in terms of modernisation and repair .
4 On April 30th , a Golan resident proclaimed in a radio interview that he and his friends would open fire on Israeli soldiers if they were ordered to do so by the elected leadership of the 12,000-odd Golan settlers .
5 He said at Dumfries Sheriff Court that he and his friend had gone to the upstairs lavatory in the dormitory building about half-an-hour after going to bed when they had been called over to the girls ' room .
6 Dubcek sobbed when he told his stunned nation in an emotional radio address that he and fellow leaders of the Prague Spring had had to bow to overwhelming military force .
7 There have been concerns for some time that IBM Corp was fast running out of cash — the UK subsidiary was reportedly ordered to factor its receivables by its parent at the end of last year after it ran out of cash for its operations , hardly a cheap way of borrowing for a blue chip company , and the Reuter report that it and IBM Credit Corp are seeking $4,600m of revolving credit in the international syndicated loan market ( see page seven ) , seems to confirm it ; at least one source told the news wire that IBM is trying to keep the arrangement very quiet , presumably to avoid generating more alarm than there already is about progress of its business .
8 And finally we impeached a man called Waddell who 's been boasting to everyone in Barlinnie Jail that he and another man did it . ’
9 Pons mentioned the manuscript on test-tube fusion that he and Fleischmann were planning to write .
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