Example sentences of "[noun] [noun sg] of [noun pl] with " in BNC.

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1 Chart review of infants with confirmed diagnosis of pyloric stenosis .
2 The Grain Terminal Board of Directors with chairman at the helm .
3 The aim of this study was to assess the effect of oral supplementation with vitamin C , vitamin E , or Β -carotene on colonic crypt cell proliferation of patients with adenomatous polyps .
4 We report here the results of a three centre prospective randomised controlled trial comparing repeated endoscopic injection sclerotherapy with the modified transection and devascularisation procedure in the long term management of patients with cirrhosis and oesophageal variceal haemorrhage .
5 The reduced metastability of biliary cholesterol in the gall bladder bile of patients with cholesterol gall stones has been well shown .
6 The Synoptic Gospels ( Matthew , Mark , Luke ) in the New Testament and the Old Testament book of Kings with its parallel in Chronicles are the exceptions .
7 What a wonderful prospect for piano buffs who for far too long have had to put up with hurriedly performed and inadequately recorded Vox recordings from the young Michael Ponti and others in a ragbag assortment of concerti with ‘ mix and match ’ orchestras and conductors .
8 Effects of vitamin antioxidant supplementation on cell kinetics of patients with adenomatous polyps
9 Furthermore , both cAMP and cGMP have been suggested to play a part in proliferative and inflammatory processes , which are known to occur in the small bowel mucosa of patients with coeliac disease .
10 British Telecommunications Plc yesterday came out fighting in its ‘ we are more liberal than what you are ’ playground war of words with AT&T Co , saying that opposition to its application to offer services in the US attempts to exploit regulatory procedures and distort the issues in order to delay the application , Reuter reports from Washington .
11 Crathie school 's 14 pupils , aged six to 11 , have made cards of a warship for Commander Laurence and a good luck posy of horseshoes with tartan ribbons for Anne .
12 Palm and AC Canoe Products are acting as importers for the Kober range of paddles with their Shock Absorbing System , a foam system which lets dropped paddles bounce higher without breaking .
13 This was only partially examined , but seemed to form part of an east-west range of rooms with at least two floor sequences .
14 The facial swelling received by midfielder Gordon Armstrong in a derby match clash of heads with Middlesbrough fullback Curtis Fleming has subsided , but he is having treatment for a knee injury .
15 To try to decide how many patients might be suitable for transplantation , an audit was performed of admissions ot a district general hospital of patients with end stage liver disease .
16 Several changes in the tax treatment of pensions with particular implications for high earners were introduced in both the 1987 and 1989 Budgets .
17 A programme of experimental and theoretical studies is under way at BGS to quantify the rate and magnitude of the reaction of the highly alkaline pore fluids characteristic of cements with the repository rock .
18 There has been little investigation , however , as to how the metastability of hepatic bile changes in the gall bladder of patients with or without cholesterol gall stones .
19 If a mutant batch of tadpoles with cannibalistic tendencies suddenly arose in a spadefoot population , they would tend to survive much better on those occasions when the pond was quickly drying out .
20 We have demonstrated expression of ET-1 in pulmonary endocrine cells , and reported that ET-1 expression is increased in the lung vasculature of patients with pulmonary hypertension , which may contribute to the medial hyperplasia and intimal fibrosis of this disorder .
21 No matter what arrangements were to be made , the Government believe that the introduction of video recording of interviews with terrorists suspects could seriously jeopardise the process of investigating crime .
22 Confronting the fact from the other side is Alex Macdonald , the Airdrie manager whose team seem bent on a place in the Guinness Book of Records with 100 bookings in a season .
23 That punch put him in the Guinness Book of Records with the quickest KO in history when he flattened American Johnny Ellis in 12secs in November 1990 , and he has claimed two other victims in 19secs and 27secs respectively .
24 Mr Vasarhelyi , who lives in Oakdene Avenue , Darlington , features in the Guinness Book of Stamps with a record-breaking 6,000 designs for more than 120 countries .
25 We examined murine epidermal cells for surface expression of cadherins with anti-E- ( ECCD-2 ; ref. 14 ) and anti-P-cadherin ( PCD-1 ; ref. 8 ) monoclonal antibodies by flow cytometry .
26 With the PESC Report and the Economic Assessment before them , a Cabinet committee of ministers with the same name ( PESC ) then decides the levels and share out of expenditure for year three .
27 The objectives of this study in an adult population of patients with cystic fibrosis were to : ( 1 ) define the relation between faecal fat and faecal bile acid excretion in patients with and without liver disease ; ( 2 ) to discover if a defect in the ileal bile acid active transport mechanism contributes to faecal bile acid loss ; and ( 3 ) to assess the contribution of small bowel bacterial overgrowth to faecal fat and faecal bile acid losses .
28 She had acquired £171 worth of goods with the cheque book after it was stolen from a handbag at the Swan Hotel in Harrogate .
29 Liberman and Eckman ( 1981 ) compared the effects of behaviour therapy and insight-oriented therapy in the inpatient treatment of patients with a history of at least two recent attempts .
30 The root connection of men with animals is by trial of strength — by hunting , or wrestling with animals , to master them .
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