Example sentences of "[noun] [noun sg] [noun pl] of [noun] " in BNC.

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31 Carbon dioxide emissions The UN estimates that a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions of 20% by 2005 will be necessary to avoid potentially disastrous effects of global warming .
32 Soviet miners are going to Scotland Yard tomorrow to give the fraud squad details of Arthur Scargill 's alleged mishandling of a £1 million gift .
33 Within this shrine the Blind Smiths of Vaul forge weapons of power and devices of infinite cunning for use by the Elf Lords .
34 Removal of the need for lawyers to attend court for unopposed adjournments in the Magistrates ' Court ; we believe this would give rise to a saving of about £8.6 million , with a saving on committal hearings of £2 million and a resultant saving in legal aid standard fees of £1 million .
35 Agents blocking the release or effects of ROM , for example , xanthine oxidase inhibitors , superoxide dismutase or its mimetic WR 2721 , catalase , the glutathione peroxidase mimetic PZ 51 , dimethyl sulphoxide , and desferrioxamine ( Figure ) , all decrease inflammation in animal or intestinal cell culture models of colitis , and uncontrolled studies show promise for the use of allopurinol in pouchitis and superoxide dismutase injections in refractory Crohn 's disease .
36 Under a system of progressive income taxation , there are few a priori sustainable generalizations about the labour supply consequences of taxation .
37 He had not realised quite how many customers were attracted by the Car Hire firms of Oxford , especially American customers ; and checking the lists had taken longer than he 'd imagined .
39 To date , the evidence that changes in marginal rates have very significant effects on the labour market decisions of individuals has yet to be established .
40 The labour market disadvantages of people with disabilities have been largely caused by unequal treatment institutional discrimination and structural barriers to equal opportunity , rather than by the limitations of disability itself .
41 However , we collected detailed information on the employment and labour market histories of respondents in the three years between redundancy and interview , and previous research indicates that such information can be collected reliably for such relatively short periods ( Walker 1982a ) .
42 On proposals for United States parachute drops of aid to the cut-off Muslims in eastern Bosnia , Mr Karadzic said : ‘ There is no need …
43 Lambs : Auction market throughputs of lambs were 10 per cent lower in Great Britain during the first four days of the week commencing 26 October .
44 Such a concern is explained by the fact that these countries had repeatedly demonstrated their willingness to go to enormous lengths ( in effect taxing imports of capital , encouraging exports of capital and , even in the case of Japan , organizing plans for importing huge stockpiles of raw materials ) in order to prevent an upward movement of their currencies .
45 In the liver biopsies the ratios were 0.84 ( 0.02 ) , 0.86 ( 0.04 ) , and 0.81 ( 0.05 ) for benign gastrointestinal disease , colorectal cancer and inflammatory bowel disease groups of patients respectively .
46 More field work studies of systems analysts and how they relate to managers should illuminate this little known area of managerial work .
47 Earnings of other textile workers in the southern and eastern parts of the country , disclosed by Arthur Young in his Tours of the 1770s , suggest a range from the 10 to 12s ( 50-60p ) earned by the specialist blanket weavers of Witney and carpet weavers of Wilton to a low of 5s ( 25p ) scraped by Norwich worsted weavers at a time of serious decline in their trade .
48 In this study there was no significant difference in serum cholesterol concentrations of total , LDL , and HDL cholesterol in samples taken from patients with early and late disease .
49 One of the risks inherent in negotiating and transferring bulk cargo paper-based bills of lading is that an endorser-transferor may become insolvent prior to the transferee 's or endorsee 's acquiring possession of the bill of lading .
50 THE series about women travelling , Maiden Voyages ( C-4 , 8.30pm ) continues with Noreen Hurlin 's search for the lady truck drivers of America .
51 The journeymen wool sorters of Exeter did this in 1787 before striking at the time when their employers had large wool stocks on hand .
52 and for twenty of us there was two half pound boxes of Dairy Box I said are you sure you can afford it ?
53 The company has approached the Government with a plan to take over Network SouthEast services , including branch and suburban routes , in a wide arc between London and the south coast towns of Eastbourne , Brighton , Portsmouth and Weymouth .
54 The decision follows the Scottish court ruling which banned the BBC from broadcasting tape recordings of interviews with nine children caught up in the scandal .
55 In Crohn 's disease , however , serum anti-lactoferrin antibodies of IgG were rarely detected , and then only in patients with colonic disease manifestations .
56 This delay was based on our serum curves after single doses and on the studies of scintigraphic images of tablet disintegration showing a correlation with serum blood levels of 5-ASA .
57 For examples of this way of writing seen in the American manner , that is , told with that tremendous briskness of pace and with a fine spattering of one-line wisecracks , let me recommend the farce crime novels of Donald E. Westlake .
58 He publishes the recipe in a book ; and another of the myriad village dishes of France has entered the repertory of la cuisine classique .
59 Although the decision has caused controversy , it is not so much because of the principles underlying the determination of a duty of care but mostly because of the House of Lords ' interpretation of the Companies Act responsibilities of auditors .
60 Such information is very useful in the analysis of electron diffraction patterns of gases ( Chapter 8 ) , and in other experiments where measurements must be conducted upon large collections of molecules in different instantaneous states .
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