Example sentences of "[noun] [noun sg] [conj] might [verb] " in BNC.

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1 This factor seems to have made a solid contribution towards forging the Iranian forces into a much more effective fighting machine than might have been expected in 1979 .
2 Armed with this hypothesis , they set out to find a convenient way of reducing carbon monoxide that might avoid the expensive catalysts and energy intensive conditions of Fischer-Tropsch chemistry — an industrial process that converts carbon monoxide and hydrogen synthesis gas to mixtures of organic compounds .
3 In short , the Army does not try to reduce ‘ Britishness ’ to some unhuman stereotype that might appeal to trendy politicians .
4 What I would like is for us to be able to poke about a bit ; see if there are any angles in the Livesey case that might lead back to this girl .
5 The overwhelming dominance of the urban areas — in particular , the metropolitan regions around Tokyo , Osaka and Nagoya — in most areas of national life is having a far more devastating effect on village life than might stem just from better employment opportunities .
6 The only budget announcement that might have influenced the mid-Staffordshire result was the doubling of the savings limit for those entitled to claim poll-tax relief .
7 Platelet activating factor decreases with prednisolone therapy and might return to normal concentrations in quiescent patients .
8 Politicians , uncomfortable in the spotlight , publicly back some sort of reform package that might take away a few of their perks .
9 Cutting tax rates will usually reduce the deadweight tax burden but might increase revenue if taxes had initially been sufficiently high .
10 Clearly , if LMS could bring real benefits for teachers it would also bring benefits to pupils too : LMS could enable curriculum development that might have gone unfunded by the LEA .
11 The 1986 NACAB AGM overwhelmingly passed a resolution expressing concern that the proposals might change the fundamental character of the CAB service and might prejudice its independence , would cut legal services and reduce freedom of choice of legal service to the poor and would damage working relationships between CABx and legal aid practitioners , other advice agencies and law centres .
12 Any piece of rotten meat that could still be found in the enclave was slipped over an improvised fish hook , attached to a rope and hurled over the parapet in the vain hope of catching a jackal or a pariah dog that might swallow it .
13 Not too late , Chris Court said , as he would have to listen for the Division bell and might have to run for it .
14 The borough council has also been told that its measures designed to compensate property-owners for groundwater damage that might result from the barrage , were ‘ gravely inadequate ’ .
15 If a local authority behaved as the Government have over the sale of public assets , its members would be disqualified and taken before the district auditor and might have to spend some time in gaol — and quite right , too .
16 He was offered a Dupont chemical engineering scholarship and might have become a captain of industry somewhere in middle America , balding , bloated and with a houseful of his own children , anonymously having pursued a largely uneventful career in that worthy but slightly boring structure of management in a giant US conglomerate .
17 On behalf of Mr. Tully it was argued that the disclosures made by Mr. Tully in compliance with the order of Buckley J. might be ‘ leaked ’ to the Crown Prosecution Service or might suggest to the Crown Prosecution Service new lines of inquiry .
18 BTG fears that if the consortium including RCT offers the best price RCT may attempt to gain a majority share-holding and might shut BTG 's US office .
19 ( 1989 ) acknowledge the reality of these problems for their theory and present additional features of the connectionist model that might allow it to accommodate the findings .
20 Well they had a particularly bad time many of them lost absolutely everything and now they 're protesting cos the Lloyds people are only coming up with a nine hundred million pound rescue package that might give them some of them back half of what they invested .
21 Such official intervention may in theory reduce the degree of exchange rate volatility , and so partially reduce the uncertainty in world trade that might result from a free float .
22 Nevertheless , supplements to the OPV regimen that might hasten eradication should also be evaluated .
23 It takes properties off the housing market and might encoureage it to pick up .
24 As ever , we must balance the temptation to introduce such rights willy-nilly against the unreasonable cost burden that might rest increasingly on employers , especially those with only a few employees .
25 The 16 per cent of authorities where Independents are dominant are mostly in the more rural parts of Scotland , England and Wales , but as Widdicombe notes ( 1986 , vol. 1 , p. 23 ) ‘ the overall figure does perhaps represent a stronger resilience of the Independent tradition in an era of increasing party politicisation than might have been anticipated ’ .
26 And the reason why it fails as education is that there is no connecting story line — not even a glimmer of an informing theory that might help to relate one snippet of information to another .
27 K-9 ( 12 ) , which stars James Belushi , hints at the less than glittering screen career that might have awaited his elder brother , had he lived .
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