Example sentences of "[noun] [noun sg] [conj] [verb] you " in BNC.

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1 Did you start doing a passenger service when you got the mail contract or did you to the mail just on its own first or did you
2 Can I make the point that if you do n't get to the parents of kids kids , before the end of summer term you could be jeopardising the chances of what they 're doing in the SATS because if you get to the parent erm in the beginning of the spring term and say you know , Fred is not doing particularly well because of this the parents are then in a position to do something about it but if you actually tell them once , basically the stable doors closed what can
3 We 'll leave the Ramsey lad and have you along for guide . ’
4 Don your poke bonnet and gather ye rosebuds in our basket .
5 Why do n't you hop up on to the examination couch and I 'll just take a quick listen to baby 's heart and take your blood pressure , then afterwards I 'm sure Sister will be only too happy to show you around our labour ward and let you take a look at the facilities we have available .
6 Not even a Guy-Fawkes bonfire that scorches you head to toe with a hot and lavish lick and leaves your back frosted and tingling .
7 While you will not want to overstate the coercive nature of a witness summons or subpoena you must be clear about the consequences of non-attendance .
8 But let's face it , the sleeping bag that did you proud on those hot summer nights in Italy , and got you through the night on the floor after the party , is n't exactly going to be your best friend when the temperature drops below freezing .
9 When you do , we will keep the tape running and give you a cue line .
10 As he ate , he opened and closed drawers , he examined papers and objects on his desk : ‘ I 'll let you loose in the west gallery and catch you up at the door to the stock-room .
11 Create beautiful results at the touch of a button : the New Home Memory Craft 8000 CE ( right ) is a computerised sewing machine that enables you to both sew and embroider
12 You sit on the window seat and feel you are on the river .
13 However , latest th er Microfit not only gives you the test statistic but gives you erm the significance level , probability value er which erm that test statistic is significantly different from zero right so if we are looking at that serial correlation test statistic of two point zero eight right we would accept the null hypothesis of er no serial correlation , right , or would n't be able to reject it strictly .
14 We 'll make your blood run cold and make you laugh on the Sinister side of your face at Women 's Wit and Wickedness .
15 now put those slippers on , that , if you get your feet cold that gives you put those slippers on
16 The final add-in is unique to Symphony as it a memory management tool that lets you temporarily turn off its currently unused components in order to increase the memory available .
17 ExerCal takes your current body weight and duration of your exercise period and tells you how many calories are being used in that time .
18 It has a colour stamp facility that allows you to create your own images to be copied onto an existing screen without wiping out the background .
19 Please think carefully about registering as a bone marrow donor and remember you can change your mind at any time and have your name removed from the register .
20 ‘ Even if they stop you on a busy shopping morning and ask you to sign petitions ? ’
21 After serving a customer , you open the till drawer and find you have no change .
22 Ye a an after you 'd done that did you remain at the exit door or did you come back into the ?
23 This is a basic screen capture program that lets you capture any part of a screen into a PCX file .
24 Simon Murison-Bowie wrote to you on 22 December last year asking you to let us know the operating system and machine you would run the tape on , and the tape density you would need , so that we could arrange for a copy to be prepared for you .
25 I may take you back to the Bab el Khalk and ask you . ’
26 Do it , what 's the battle cross for do you know ?
27 As a guide in setting a monthly repayment level that suits you , the enclosed table gives examples of how long different levels of borrowing will take to repay .
28 Okay if I can just erm give you my business card that tells you who I am
29 Do you want a ham sandwich or do you want a come on what 's a ninety niner Ian ?
30 The computer asks you a question via a sound card and gives you a choice of options on screen , and you respond by pressing the relevant button .
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