Example sentences of "[noun] [noun sg] [verb] back from " in BNC.

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1 To the left of them , a conch shell brought back from the Indian Ocean curled mysteriously in on itself , like the pink and white entrance to another world .
2 Later in the year , when the poet Apollinaire came back from the war with a head wound , a grand banquet was held in his honour at the Palais d'Orléans in the Boulevard du Maine .
3 Most of the expert stunt flyers operate with hands at waist level pulling back from extended arms to hips , and this range of push and pull enables them to fly through an incredible range of manoeuvres .
4 I can remember as a small child Daddy coming back from Barnard Castle with big loads on his bicycle .
5 The central figure , St Cecilia , seems rapt in such inspiration as produced her image in the painter 's mind ; her deep , dark , eloquent eyes lifted up ; her chestnut hair flung back from her forehead — she holds an organ in her hands — her countenance , as it were , calmed by the depth of its passion and rapture , and penetrated throughout with the warm and radiant light of life .
6 There were more puris — a whole basketful — eaten with hot spicy potatoes , fried in mustard oil brought back from Aula , and there was rice for everyone , and an emerald green soup of wild young ka kani leaves .
7 Dented by the newly-established Northern Ireland Conservatives , the Alliance vote slipped back from 10 to 8.7 per cent .
8 ‘ The last lodgement , that is the money Butler brought back from the States , brought the amount up to five thousand pounds .
9 The women died when their hired Astra crashed into the back of an army convoy coming back from a show in the early hours .
10 French ( Provencal ) and Italian ( Tuscany ) country cooking came back from villa holidays along with strings of rapidly moulding garlic , terracotta floor tiles and peasant-style crocks ; all made possible by Elizabeth David and Terence Conran .
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