Example sentences of "[noun] [noun sg] [noun] or [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 I suggest that you have some brine shrimp nauplii or microworm ready for the time when they become free-swimming .
2 For details of the Champagne Express telephone or write to :
3 For many decades , a deposit of £150 was required and even the £500 now suggested will not necessarily deter the strip club owner or pop star who is otherwise lacking in publicity and for whom the outlay of such a sum may well be worthwhile .
4 When we looked at the additional explanatory power brought to these models by information about the worker 's family responsibilities we found that parenthood had little effect on men 's labour force participation or pay .
5 He may well run a car repair business or sell cheap jewellery on the side , in which case his dealing will lack single-mindedness .
6 A person " connected " with a director is defined in s346 Companies Act 1985 and includes a body corporate in which the director and other persons connected with him are interested in at least one-fifth of the nominal value of the equity share capital or control more than one-fifth of the voting power of the company at any general meeting .
7 With the world 's transport systems not prepared to align themselves with Athletico training sessions or match kick-offs , Homstat was sometimes absent for weeks on end , giving team talks with the aid of an interpreter over the telephone , or he would be a lone , pathetic figure , sat in the dug-out on a wet Monday morning urging on thin air .
8 The easy option is to visit a kite shop , send for a mail order list or attend a kite meeting where there 's a sales stand so that you can buy the whole outfit — handle , line and a ready-to-fly kite with , or perhaps without , a tail .
9 If the VAX/VMS disk quota has been exceeded ( check by using VMS command SHOW QUOTA ) , you should inform the VAX/VMS System Manager or purge the account of all unnecessary files .
10 Otherwise , the patient might be transferred to a specialist Stroke Unit or have a private consultation with a specialist physiotherapist .
11 Take a trip on the Santa Fe railway , cruise on a Mississippi Paddle Boat or meet the animals at Rosita 's Ranch .
12 Classification of the carcinomas based on differentiation grade , inflammation , metastasis , and intestinal metaplasia did not reveal major differences in tissue type plasminogen activator or urokinase type plasminogen activator between subgroups .
13 IAN LANG , the Scottish Secretary , was challenged yesterday to accuse the Scottish National Party of breaking the deal on the Maastricht Treaty bill or stop a campaign of misinformation by his staff .
14 Customers need Guinness stout bottle liners or can ring-pulls equivalent to six points and RM3.60 in cash for each bottle .
15 Whether you go it alone , ask the computer shop expert or persuade a friend who knows about computers to help you , it is essential to set up a regular data back-up system .
16 Order through Victoria Wine branches or call the hotline on 0800 526464 .
17 Router manufacturers debating whether they should license IBM Corp 's Advanced Peer to Peer Networking code or go with the Cisco Systems Inc-inspired Advanced Peer-to-Peer Internetworking , have a third choice .
18 [ Graphics : Ethylene Cracker Margins or RCOP ? ]
19 Visitors can enjoy refreshments from the ‘ Brief Encounter ’ station buffet in North Junction signal box or board the static advanced Passenger Train located alongside the main London to Glasgow rail line .
20 There , in the company computer , he imagines he will find tons of choice titbits such as upcoming record store appearances or release dates for new singles — information that will make him a real idol otaku king when he transmits it over the networks to other idol-loving otaku .
21 Ear defenders : Are supplied in the form of plug or fibre ear inserts or earphone types which fully enclose the ear .
22 Haliborange Fish Oil tablets , the first alternative to liquids and capsules , bring together all the good things from natural fish oil with added essential vitamins A , C , D and E. And best of all in a tasty , crunchy fruit flavour tablet , without the fish oil taste or inconvenience sometimes experienced with taking fish oil in liquid form .
23 Even if BAT do pick up the bill , as they have for East Belfast Community Council and the Centre for Neighbourhood Development , they can offer only 2 to 3 years project funding or finance for capital projects .
24 The questions which arise in aircraft accident investigation usually relate to the boundaries of radio technology — things such as trying to establish the radio propagation conditions in which some phenomenon or other gives rise to a kink in an instrument landing system localiser or glide slope but only on an intermittent basis , or the reliability of a radio altimeter in an auto-land system during an approach over surfaces with greatly differing radio reflecting characteristics .
25 Rolf Ekeus , the head of the joint UN and International Atomic Energy Agency ( IAEA ) special commission on Iraq , held talks in Baghdad with the Iraqi government on Feb. 21-24 following a UN ultimatum to the Iraqi regime to comply with UN ceasefire terms or face " serious consequences " .
26 any accident injury loss or damage occurring while the motor car in connection with which indemnity is provided under this Policy is being
27 So you can help ensure that your parcel arrives safely ; please show the full , correct address including the postcode ; if you are unsure about the correct postal address then ask at a post office counter or contact your local Customer Care Unit for advice .
28 Security deposit ( held by Falcon Sailing , repaid less retentions ) Per yacht Pot Luck or Share a Yacht + £70pp
29 To order , simply call — FREE — on with credit card details or fill in and return this coupon .
30 ( 3 ) Damage to or loss of a motor vehicle and/or its accessories whilst in the hands of a Maker Repairer Garage Proprietor Selling Agent or Coachbuilder who is insured for such loss or damage , or liability for such loss or damage the loss damage or liability shall be admitted and dealt with by the party hereto insuring the Maker Repairer Garage Proprietor Selling Agent or Coachbuilder subject to the limits of its policy , and if other insurance in respect of loss of or damage to such vehicle and/or its accessories exists with the other party hereto the latter shall subject to the limits of its policy reimburse to the insurer of the Maker Repairer Garage Proprietor Selling Agent or Coachbuilder one-half of the amount paid in respect of such loss or damage .
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