Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] and she [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Saying er , I was telling it the other day , she said you could spend all that money on and she said , we went to see this horse , it was years ago before they got their own , she said the horse had just had its foal and it was like he 'd spent a thousand pound on the , the actual stallion yeah and it come out
2 Her husband would have spent the whole day cooking for the steady stream of customers in the small , steamy back kitchen below and she felt that he needed a break .
3 She was already feeling a bit better and she felt quite amused at this cool domination , especially as she was not going to pay any attention to it .
4 The they put the advert in and she underlined them .
5 Her head was dashed on the rock below and she blacked out .
6 And then er when they came back he says she says you know and I just says er and when she got out of the car , Dawn was out in the gar in the garden walking , and she said she just got out of the car and she looked over at Dawn like that took the kids in and she said I just says here you are , she said , come on Ashley over here , you stay and play in your back and your side of the er street from now on .
7 So the attendant says to her , have you got a wrist watch and she had n't got her wrist watch on , but he spotted her wedding ring and he said , I 'll take that and she said , she had to hand her wedding er ring over and she vowed when she put that on that she would never
8 And I bought two secondhand books yesterday and she wanted one of them so
9 and anyway she rang David up and she said , she did n't say it were for Bet but she said she wanted another two hundred pounds
10 He was killed a few months later and she died soon after her son was born .
11 She 's been there fore 18 months now and she loves it .
12 Sally 's hand was clutching at her pearls now and she had turned very pale beneath her makeup .
13 although I did n't last Tuesday , I did the Tuesday before and she seemed
14 But all that was some months ago and she had a cold front since for her hefty swinging colleague .
15 But she also said Hawick wanted her to give up her partnership here and she did n't think she could bear to . ’
16 He had not asked if he might use her first name , but it seemed to be the practice here and she had no reason to object .
17 I said read the bloody words then and she said oh I never read the words she said I looks at the pictures .
18 Make-up , I know , but there 's talent there and she deserves more than this .
19 Her thighs pushed his legs apart and she pressed herself against him .
20 The tears welled up into her eyes again and she dashed them away with an impatient hand .
21 His boots scuffed the gravel briefly and she wanted to apologise , then he swung round .
22 alright just shut up a minute , I 'm talking to ya , so she said afterwards oh I says that was good were n't it could n't even switch the machine on and she said it does n't matter does it , she said it 's not what happens its the way you deal with it , and I made a joke of it and I said to him oh this is good i n't it ? relax you 're in safe hands I ca n't even switch the machine on , but anyway I did it in the end and he was alright , and he said thank you very much , that was , you were very good , you were very kind , cos it is frightening and one thing I said to him do n't hold your breath , because people think when their having an E C G they 've got ta hold their breath for some reason , just lie there take a deep breath and do n't breathe again but you 've never had one so you would n't no , I 'm just going to mix this up
23 and there was a girl on and she said what is a bolster case and when I tried to explain to her she looked at me as if I lived in the ark and that was going back twenty years ago .
24 Cos she saw me putting the corn in and she decided she 'd try and get it by diving through the black net instead of going through the gate , like with a normal hen , you know , this one 's obviously brain dead or
25 Her eyes were still adjusting from the brightness outside and she felt a surge of panic at her mistake , but he did nothing .
26 dropped Asdir off and she drove away and I saw her and the four children go , along to the house
27 Anyway the next day Brocklesby is berthing and I can see the captain pointing at me , my hem was showing my petticoat was showing my hat off and afterwards I said to him erm what was so funny oh he said I was telling the Queen about you having those weeds for the rehearsal yesterday and she thought it was terribly funny
28 She was going like this , and the music was on , she put her feet out and she put the music on her feet .
29 She was actually in the combat zone now and she noted uneasily that once again she was placed firmly beside the count .
30 Una has a good home here and she wants for nothin' .
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