Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] into [art] night " in BNC.

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1 As they belted over the top of the wheel , the wind plucked his laughter away into the night .
2 Utterly determined on success , he adopted a dandyish nonchalance and seemed to run the College from his armchair in the Senior Common Room when in fact he frequently undertook paper work late into the night .
3 Tonight , in a rare moment of good judgement , he had hired a big band whose music would not drive his older guests out into the night .
4 Many an evening Bruce and I-have sat in his garden north of Victoria , B.C. and thrashed out our opinions of Canadian ( and world ) problems far into the night .
5 The cafés of the Zuid hum late into the night as the young and fashionable regard each other 's clothes and sip De Koninck , the chestnut-coloured local ale .
6 To this end he had selected two Embassy secretaries as helpers , with brains to equal beauty , who matched him drink for drink late into the night , then killed their hangovers in work .
7 As delegates continued their debate over the new manifesto and statutes late into the night , the arithmetic in the hall began to show a slight drop in the reformist support , while numbers of the popular democracy platform doubled to more than 200 .
8 The question occupied the hearts and minds of hundreds at the conference , was tossed around in a rather lack-lustre debate , and sparked flames of pub argument long into the night .
9 His mother Nellie , stuffing Liberal tracts into envelopes long into the night , was his induction into radicalism , so often at odds with his Hampshire traditionalism : ‘ The bastards are closing the Watercress Line forever … ‘
10 A minute later , she ran downstairs to the kitchen , put a coat over her thin dress , tied her hair under her hat , and followed her father out into the night .
11 As a child he had lain in bed long into the night , plotting his escape from an alcoholic father and a mother who managed not to see the bruises and the tears .
12 Other species continue their forays well into the night .
13 Thus an ‘ owl ’ will often pursue his hobbies or interests late into the night so that his preferred life-style will accentuate the natural tendency of his clock .
14 They had been given separate rooms , of course , but liked to gas late into the night , and dress together , and compare clothes and hair and notes .
15 You can clutch at your forehead , sway dramatically , and with wide haunted eyes , cry , ‘ Where am I … ? ’ before weaving an unsteady path out into the night .
16 In Kwangju itself , more than 100,000 people took to the streets where they fought running battles with riot police late into the night .
17 After fierce clashes , the protesters broke into smaller groups and there were further reports of violence elsewhere in the city late into the night .
18 Lawyers for the two sides were continuing negotiations late into the night and a settlement was not expected to be announced until today .
19 He found he had been speaking the memory out into the night and among the bleak cages around .
20 Fearing the arrests might cause an embarrassing international incident , they merely lectured the five Scots and allowed them to weave their way back into the night , to more drink and more disruption .
21 The whole restaurant cheered me on as I fought my way out into the night .
22 Gaiety and laughter can be heard in the towns late into the night , and shopkeepers are beaming .
23 What 's more , the places themselves are really ritzy , many with videos and satellite TV late into the night .
24 And while you can , if you wish , party on into the night , by day you need to do no more than gently toast your body on sandy beaches or explore the pretty coastline .
25 Swap too soon and the program takes over and performs some miracle that pulls the ass of the Despot you just abandoned out of the fire and next thing you know the secret police are banging down the doors and hauling you and your family off into the night and oblivion ; the machine thereupon promptly declares itself the winner and it 's back to that fucking cave again .
26 This results in a truly spectacular feeling of comfort and radiance late into the night whatever your skin type and lifestyle may be .
27 You have been patient and you have worked hard , and I fear on many occasions late into the night I 'm sure , you have proved adaptable and er you have been good-tempered .
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