Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] say [conj] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 The West Saxon Genealogical Regnal List allocates him a reign of three years , with one variant reading of two , but Bede also says that Caedwalla reigned for two years before his abdication in 688 ( HE IV , 12 : V , 7 ) ( see also above , p. 51 ) .
2 Scott later said that Ellice was a ‘ worthy vain old busy-body … who had been trying to make himself look clever in the tea room by finding mare's-nests in the form of non-existent errors in the arrangement of my plans ’ .
3 Latham later said that Norman and Palmer were told that ‘ if the WWF wanted the cooperation of the timber trade that phrase would have to be removed ’ .
4 The judge also said that Brenda had no protection from the 1906 Dog Act which allows the police to destroy or sell a dog after seven days .
5 Chen also said that Taiwan would spend US$5,000 million on weapons programmes during the next fiscal year beginning in July .
6 ‘ But Jake then said that Captain Hook got away .
7 Eddie Gilfoyle allegedly said that mum-to-be Paula was leaving him but his workmates were still able to speak to her at home and see her in the area .
8 Data General also says that SDLC and X25 can now share the same synchronous controller , saving users the expense of buying multiple controllers for wide area communications — again the company claims to be the only Unix-based systems vendor to offer the capability .
9 So I was not surprised when he rang me a few weeks later to say that Dorothy was in hospital .
10 Malcolm Muggeridge later said that Burgess ‘ gave me a feeling of being morally afflicted in some way ’ , and described him as the ‘ sick toast of a sick society ’ .
11 Scarlet turned away uneasily at the mention of upbringing : Brian 's first wife had telephoned only a few weeks before to say that Brian 's son was causing her hair to turn grey and fall out .
12 Liza had written some weeks ago to say that John had been sent , at only a few hours ' notice , on a course .
13 Pointy-Beard simply said that Sunil wanted to see me when he 'd finished eating and we were going to meet him at Shazam 's and did I know it .
14 The PCA also says that Mr Eynon ’ did not fully undertake his responsibilities ’ in giving Seargeant Tony Long , the officer investigating the case , adequate support staff .
15 Only one person remarkably said that Oxford United would win by one goal to nil , I think loads of people go for the three ones or the four ones or things like that .
16 The one the Federation produced is very good , but a lot of reading in it , so , we wanted one we could hand out to people and the the intention is that we , we go on the market next week Thursday and Friday to hand out that leaflet , also to advertise the meeting on the tenth , erm , so that really is as far , and obviously the meetings that , that Lilly just said that Kathy 's coming , that would be an opportunity to erm you know , discuss it further with her .
17 Adam also says that Swegen destroyed idolatrous rites , commanded the Norwegians to receive Christianity , and appointed a bishop who had come from England to teach in Skåne .
18 He also points out the song 's crucial omission , astonishing in a work of the protest movement : Dylan never says that Zantzinger is white and Hattie Carroll black , and forces the listener to assume that she was because of everything we are told about her : her name , that she had ten children , her position as a maid who ‘ did n't even talk to the people at the table ’ and , more tendentiously , because of what was done to her and the mild punishment meted out to her murderer who ‘ at 24 years/Owns a tobacco farm of 600 acres ’ .
19 People just said that Elsie was the woman who fell into the river and drowned .
20 Grove also said that Pentium was on schedule to be introduced at the end of March and that it will be ‘ aggressively ’ priced .
21 Li Peng also said that China supplied arms to Nepal for its defence .
22 Pedro de Castro Van Dúnem " Loy " ( who had earlier met Shevardnadze ) , when Baker reportedly said that Angola 's moves towards multiparty democracy had removed the last obstacle to US endorsement of a peace settlement .
23 Mrs Thatcher once said that Northern Ireland was as British as Finchley , but the actions of her Government and her successor 's have consistently belied that .
24 SECRETARIES OF STATE often say that Northern Ireland receives a ‘ subvention ’ from the United Kingdom Exchequer .
25 Walter Legge once said that Karajan was not interested in politics , except of the musical variety , of which he was to become a consummate master .
26 The report also says that Intel is to release a revision of its Indeo video compression technology , which is claimed to increase compression ratios fivefold over the current version ( enabling one minute of video to be compressed into 1Mb of data ) .
27 The official also said that Britain had failed to account for its decision to move the colony 's main naval base out of the centre of Hong Kong , a move which he believed would have serious repercussions for the stationing of the Chinese military in the territory after the 1997 transfer of power .
28 Intergraph and Microsoft also said that Intergraph is also converting its full range of mechanical , engineering , mapping and geographical information system applications for Windows NT .
29 The statement also said that UNITA would publish its election manifesto before May .
30 The statement also said that Libya would expel anyone proved to be involved in such acts and that " Libya complies with the British demands pertaining to her previous relations with the IRA [ Irish Republican Army ] " .
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