Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] to [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In June his mother enquired about progress only to be told ‘ Why , he is not even thinking of it … so far we know nothing either about the cast or about the libretto ’ .
2 On March 26 , 1952 , they signed the agreement now sued upon which has three clauses : ‘ ( 1 ) the husband will pay to the wife for her support and maintenance a weekly sum of One Pound Ten Shillings to be paid every four weeks during the joint lives of the parties so long as the wife shall lead a chaste life the first payment hereunder to be made on the Fifteenth day of April 1952. ( 2 ) The wife will out of the said weekly sum or otherwise support and maintain herself and will indemnify the husband against all debts to be incurred by her and will not in any way at any time hereafter pledge the husband 's credit .
3 Then Hereford substitute Colin Anderson ran into a crowd of defenders only to be brought down by Barrow .
4 What they needed to do was to look in Milton 's Collected Poems or in an anthology such as The Oxford Book of Seventeenth-Century Verse , rather than expecting individual titles all to be listed separately in the catalogue . )
5 It 's of course only to be expected that people should moan about the tax they 've got to pay and people always complain that it seems to go up every year .
6 The Great Western Railway set aside , £250 annually to be divided among the winners of twelve sections , with a first prize of £5 in each section .
7 They have brought the project to the stage where it is almost completed and only remains for the ba the building basically to be fitted out internally , and they have largely raised the funds to do that , but they are some ten thousand pounds short , and they came to erm , the Department with a request that we erm , assist them with this ten thousand pounds shortfall in the funding .
8 This may be an injection or , as is increasingly common , a number of tablets or capsules all to be taken at the same time .
9 Wembley was witnessing a classic … the drama thundered on … three goal scoring chances were conjured up by Swindon only to be magiced away by Leicester …
10 It was in any case only to be expected that a serious move by the Community to advance further through a reduction of national sovereignty and freedom to act independently would generate a nationalist opposition .
11 The imperial schism had already become a question of European concern , sparking off a network of alliances and counter-alliances only to be matched by those of later eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Europe .
12 A few did succeed in reaching the border , however , and on Aug. 13 at least 15 dissidents cut through a barbed wire fence only to be arrested as they rushed towards the Demilitarized Zone which divided the two Korean states .
13 But even in remote situations I would strongly advise against this , after doing as much in a cottage in Appin only to be greeted by the landlord who had popped in to see if we were alright .
14 In 1863 , Manet 's Déjeuner sur l'herbe was rejected at the annual Salon only to be exhibited at the Salon des Refusés .
15 She knew how Beth had gone to the lodging house on the night when her own father disowned her ; how she had run to her lover only to be turned away from there broken-hearted when the girl claimed that Tyler was the father of her own mythical child .
16 The first Mayor so to be honoured was , appropriately enough , Mr. Winterbottom , Lady Vernon 's Steward , who was Mayor in 1831 and 1832 .
17 Only three ministers in the sample were puritan enough to be ejected from their livings after 1660 .
18 The basic tale of how young Winifred Gwenffrwd , was attacked and beheaded by her thwarted assailant only to be revived by her uncle , St Beuno , is one of the better known legends of ancient Wales .
19 No serial lead is included as the Pocket is small and light enough to be attached directly to a PC 's serial port .
20 All of us go and take our cars in to be serviced and what have you and nearly always get a sh piece of paper comes back and please will you tick them box on a Richter scale of nought to ten er and they are all the time trying to improve er customer satisfaction .
21 When Nichols brought Dustin along to be introduced to the mogul in his imposing New York office , Levine , after greeting Nichols , turned to Dustin and said , ‘ The windows are over there . ’
22 The history of education is littered with discarded phrases , phrases which were once fashionable and seemed to encapsulate the spirit of a Utopia soon to be born .
23 Undoubtedly , databases not to be restricted to in-house use will soon be compiled at RBG , but need to be done so in the light of the rapid advancements being made internationally .
24 ‘ Not particularly , and I 'll thank you in the future not to be telling men it 's OK to come into my room .
25 The subjects soon to be considered by the committee include sexual harassment , Inns ' scholarships , pupillage complaints and court dress .
26 Second , there was a marked trend for ( female ) referrals by GPs subsequently considered to be primarily about social relationships not to be sectioned .
27 Some 80,000 customers bought cards from us last year , and even with a 60p average unit price , this is turnover not to be sneered at .
28 Donna Landry believes that the poem ’ … presents an iconography of paternal despotism and daughterly humiliation scarcely to be met with elsewhere in eighteenth-century verse' [ Landry , 103 ] .
29 Meanwhile Bartley removed the passenger door lock , used its serial number to buy an ignition key from the garage 's parts department and drove the car away to be ringed .
30 Right okay can you go into the , just log the data okay last week we were looking at test for structural change and we said that the Chow test is the most commonly used test for structural change in actual fact Chow developed two tests erm , the parameter constancy , I E structural change , fir the first one is where you remember what the , the principle behind the Chow test that you split the whole sample into two sub periods , right and you see whether the , some of the res residual sum of squares from each sub sample , right , is significantly different from the residual sum of squares from a single estimation over the who whole sample period , right if they are significantly different that suggests that the parameters that are estimated over the full er sample period , right , are n't as good estimates as the unrestricted estimates when we are allowing two different sets of parameters just to be estimated .
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