Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [coord] come [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In fact , at the Gardener Centre a few months after I took after we did a workshop which Radio Brighton took part in and came up and gave a class in terms of how to make the most out of your local radio station , and that kind of thing we really need to develop even further .
2 The consequence is that Broad Lane 's two largest personalities have banged their heads together and come up with an undisclosed compromise in an effort to prevent Wivenhoe 's first relegation in 30 years of undiluted success .
3 I 'm sure we could er put our heads together and come up with something .
4 If there had only been some way they could have gone in the doors of University College together and come home on the bus each night , or better still got a flat together , life would have been perfect .
5 A spiritual movement of independence gathers force underground and comes out into the open , using doubt as its prime organ of propaganda .
6 He spent three months there and came out a changed man .
7 ‘ There 's no future in it , Luce ; change your mind again and come home with me now . ’
8 He employed the Staffordshire architect John Webb , a landscape gardener at heart , who had done a lot of work locally and came highly recommended .
9 Lucker prods around and comes up with a sachet of sugar .
10 putting folk there and come back , and putting them and coming back and he then he did , that was four loads he would have had you see and then had to take them all back home again .
11 He signed a new 12-month contract yesterday and comes straight into the side to face Carlisle .
12 Docilely Harriet pads off and comes back and they gurgle out what she knows is the sweated labour of Singapore .
13 Jazz switched the television off and came outside with them and they kicked a tin-can round the field a bit and then sat on some dumped oil-drums and watched the lights come on along the front and smoked a cigarette and reflected on their fate .
14 Let us pass the word along and come together to fight in the only way left open to us — the way the church has always been meant to fight — behind enemy lines .
15 Oh yes yes oh well yes for a rum and coffee yeah , and I 'm afraid it was very acceptable on a winter 's morning , but erm now we come , we 've come on that side of Road , we 'll now start at the top of Road again and come along as far as er what I call Street I believe it 's now where St Michael 's church is , and you come to Sammy the butchers .
16 The older man read the text overnight and came up with some suggested changes , all of which the Prince ignored .
17 I shall , I 'm gon na take that letter on and come back here , just out to post
18 She was going to put the receiver down and come straight over .
19 Yes , yes get a letter out and come back to me
20 She wished he would leave the Legion altogether and come home .
21 Yeah , yeah you can sit and wait if you like oh no go away and come back again .
22 And he took his up on Norwich Hill ; took the horses out and come home to Bungay with the horses behind me on the empty cart or trolley .
23 ‘ Put that damned bag down and come here , ’ he gritted .
24 She set the hat down and came across to him .
25 She 's got she 's gon na pick her mother up and come back home , bring her mother back home tomorrow with her .
26 I mean , if I 'd had anything to do with it do you think I 'd have left my van here and come back — ’
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