Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [prep] [art] house " in BNC.

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1 The government 's taxing agents , the Inland Revenue or Customs and Excise officials , levy taxes only with the House of Commons ' approval .
2 There was a light on in the house on stilts ; he could see a faint glow through the curtains of the window on the left of the door .
3 Perhaps you have shelves full of books all over the house .
4 Will I be able to move the car up outside the house a bit later on ?
5 These rulers were replaced several centuries later by the House of St Arnulf , the family line of Charlemagne .
6 A flight of steps leads up from the courtyard and there is entry also from the house end .
7 With a quick glance back at the house he ran to the car .
8 Ended up we had to get her and the kids out of the house and get them somewhere to stay the night .
9 ‘ So I just — I got the kids out of the house — ‘ n ’ I rang this number . ’
10 Votes for anti-discrimination and throws Lucy out of the house for fear of moral contamination .
11 Everything happened very quickly after he had got Maisie back to the house .
12 Walking the dogs kept Delia Sutherland out of the house until six-thirty .
13 Depending on the obstructions you find , you could site the building exactly alongside the house , bring it forward of the building line ( if the planners will allow this — see later ) , or set it back into the garden .
14 Tonight there was a moon , starlight even , and he knew that after a few minutes away from the house it would be possible for her to see with surprising clarity ; but moon or no moon , it seemed to make little difference to her and she 'd been spending hours abroad at even the deepest , darkest point in the cycle .
15 We got about twenty minutes away from the house and the phone starts ringing
16 ‘ Perhaps you ought to spend a few hours away from the house , ’ Julius suggested , before she had time to stalk off .
17 If you , too , have a dust-covered garter bar somewhere about the house that you are feeling guilty about , you might like to find it again , dust if off and try the following techniques :
18 Poor Ivy alone in the house with her and sudden strange conversations about spiritualism and the stars .
19 I could n't bear the thought of hearing that voice again — the low , small voice like that of a child alone in a house at night .
20 So as that we 'll hear the telephone all over the house .
21 She argued and pleaded with him , and warned Carolyn to keep Alan away from the house .
22 Two blocks away from the house of her childhood it suddenly occurred to her that her mother might have left , that there might be strangers in the hallway , a different set of curtains hanging at the windows ; her father 's study might have been turned into a playroom for a new generation of North Oxford children , so different from herself in her prim Clark 's T-bar sandals that she would not be able to recognise her own infancy in theirs .
23 And every big mansion house had a place about at least ten feet away from the house , where they had a store for holding the tins .
24 When we arrived on the island , my mother and I followed Greta up to the house .
25 And before the funeral the they would he would probably have to take a window out of the house .
26 ‘ You 'll never get that boy out of the house .
27 When you start to build bonfires in someone 's back garden , there 's never enough space between the fire and the property , and consequently you can get all sorts of damage er either of a minor nature of blistering , or at the other end of the scale complete burn out of the house .
28 Planting it outside the backdoor was a sure way of keeping witches out of the house , and it was thought never to be struck by lightning ; cutting it brought bad luck , and traditionally it was the wood the Cross of Calvary .
29 I had to heave the old hag out of the house when I got married .
30 A hand was clapped roughly over her mouth , and she was almost lifted up by the arms and moved at a run back into the house , where Mrs Prynn was waiting in her nightcap and gown , with the trap door into the cellar open and the key in her hand .
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