Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [prep] [pron] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 However , with social feeling about child sexuality running high as it does at present , we may be well advised to keep quiet about it in public ; while , if we ourselves feel guilt as to our own emotions in any such case , a knowledgeable and understanding senior or colleague may be able to help us — otherwise we would be well-advised to hand the case on to someone else .
2 I had money only for something just short of a slum .
3 Yet if one takes what one does with one 's life seriously , one can not simply throw one 's own most serious projects into the melting pot of desires and preferences along with everyone else 's .
4 Access to Tiree is not easy from Inverness but there was an opportunity before Loganair adopted their Summer flight schedules in April and this enabled me to link Scarinish in with my more regular Lewis/Uist/Barra trip .
5 With central heating and fewer smokers these days , the decoration in a home can last 10 years or more with only a couple of adult occupants and you could therefore feel the need for change long before it really needs doing .
6 Dada was sending a horse on for him tomorrow .
7 Oh switch this light on for me again because the pools lady wo n't be able to see .
8 I am meeting Enya and the Ryans somewhere near her carefully guarded Killiney residence on a silvery wet and foggy autumn day .
9 " I can put two or three calves on to 'er instead of milkin' 'er .
10 Well that 's a fourteen inch grate , fire a fourteen inch grate but you 've got the gap all round it like so I thought eighteen inch .
11 The wind carried the shouts of the guards away from us so that they sounded like the shouts of men drowning .
12 How did you feel about giving the album over to somebody else ?
13 Meredith dragged her eyes away from it reluctantly .
14 ‘ Did he take the key away with him then or call back for it that night ? ’
15 These reforms had envisaged reorienting the ten-year basic education programme away from its highly academic content , towards more practical and vocational aspects .
16 Say , you wanted find out something and you , you 've got ta one , one 's got ta give so much weight away to something well gallop me galloping them in extraordinary ways to find out whether he 's any good or not .
17 At any rate Dornford Yates 's highly artificial , mannered prose style , which may have spelled ‘ romance ’ to his first readers , moves his books further from us today than Anthony Hope 's active style and his very moderate use of courtly language .
18 She was most likely going to fix up about someone shutting the hens up for her instead of him , going to see the other boy .
19 Thanks also to anyone else involved who may read this letter .
20 And I mean I put an asterisk down there to say that 's what I thought was going to come out quite heavily simply because this is is the case on these courses , you know the people that we get on these courses every single one of these that we 've had , and we must have had coming up to what over ten now , every single one we 've had people that the most the majority of people have had team work very high on the score .
21 He said well from my point of view anyway at least he said just disregard that completely he said and we will do it on what you earnt , so he said all I can is erm just put in as many hours as you can to get your wages up on that side erm and then by the time we look at that he said , the end of February obviously you 'll have December , January and February which will be good months there , I said yeah so he said well then you know erm a hundred pound here and a hundred pound here he said , it all helps to keep the figure up for you so he s
22 The Prime Minister described the murder as " a grievous loss both to me personally and also to the parliamentary life of this country and to his constituency " .
23 I got a brand new card out for you right ?
24 We took about £150m out of them over a couple of years . ’
25 She threw the words back at him incredulously .
26 Getting the cheeky side out of him now
27 It coincided with his drawing back from her so that it appeared he was the one to call a halt first .
28 Turn that light out for me please ?
29 ‘ See , whoever has the biggest gun gets to kick the crap out of everybody else .
30 For a moment he paused to massage the circulation back into his tightly compressed toes , then he was racing along the narrow alley as fast as his legs would carry him .
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