Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] have [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I support the measure , but for those reasons I have no confidence that the Bill will make more than a very small difference .
2 And always in its straight bole I have a stop watch to tell me whether the slowest clouds are sliding and at what a pace a storm is travelling .
3 Chairman I have a copy of the environmental impact assessment report in respect of East Bank options , West End Road and Ipswich Northern bypass , they 've been on my desk from
4 Chairman I have an amendment to that motion , because , because I believe it 's important that we start to identify a lot of councils publish at the end of the year for public consumption a list of the allowances drawn by members , and I think that would be very useful and I would make , as an amendment , I would , would add to the proposal put by Mr that we call for a report to be pu er , to be presented to us of the amounts of allowances drawn by members , each member
5 ABIE : Of course I have a gun .
6 ‘ Of course I have a key .
7 After reading through my back copies of MKM I have an idea .
8 John Smyth QC reported to Mrs Whitehouse that , ‘ having seen the play I have no doubt whatever that a prima facie case exists that a criminal offence has been committed ’ .
9 I mean we were in a particular discussion last night I mean that chap was making a particular point and we were able to ask questions and that was very useful and it helped everything else and as a result I have a view that Hydro Electric have a certain commitment to the community and I respect it for having that commitment .
10 The next Saturday I have a hangover so it 's another lazy start .
11 Heads says you have the kids , tails I have the combining .
12 I used the Hadley an awful lot and defence of the Highway Department I have no complaint on that whatsoever about the street lighting , I think it 's very good , thank you , right .
13 We will discuss here two different methods which have the advantage that they can be combined into a more comprehensive system .
14 Organizations which have a market orientation are said to have adopted the ‘ marketing concept ’ .
15 If one looks for the perfect image of a great country seat in the Victorian novel , it is hard to better this one , seen by middle-class eyes which have no place in the picture they present to the reader :
16 Since the mid-nineteenth century , the continuing reform of company law has tried to strike a balance between all of those parties which have an interest in the corporation — shareholders , creditors , directors , customers , suppliers and employees .
17 In Part Two we shall examine these in more detail and consider some of the mundane influences which have a bearing on their execution .
18 Indecent material may only be displayed in licensed sex shops which have no window display and can not be seen into from the street , do not admit people under 18 years of age and which carry a warning sign to this effect over the door .
19 On behalf of the Do n't Tax Reading Books Group , the BA has produced A2 , A3 and A4 posters , and A5 bag stuffers/leaflets which have a poster on one side and the arguments as to why books should not be taxed on the other .
20 Since this strategy works outwards from the highest scoring words , it is possible to show ( see Woods 1982 ) that islands always incorporate words which have a density score no greater than the words already in the island .
21 Signed Danish is a gestural/auditive language in which Danish is spoken at the same time as signs from the Sign Language are used for all words which have a concept , and as far as possible grammatical rules [ are used ] from sign language .
22 It is verbal irony when some character comes out with a statement or a choice of words which have a meaning to those in the know , either within the text or outside it , that is significantly different or even contradictory to that which the character may be supposed to have in mind .
23 There are some things which no one would wish to know for their own sake , some subjects which have no possibility of being endowed with general significance .
24 In a parliamentary written answer I was told : ’ The sale and possession of knives is subject to a number of controls There will be practical problems in seeking to apply more general restrictions on the sale and purchase of knives which have a variety of legitimate everyday uses . ’
25 Of course , merely artificial creations are unnatural and are therefore unjust ; but if there is indeed a common descent from Adam , and the world is a family grown demographically from him and his wife , there must be potential descent groups larger than nations which have no taint of artificiality .
26 The RHA thus sought to ‘ encourage all those Districts which have an interest in a particular large hospital to come together to determine how the service can best be developed to meet local demands within the expected financial constraints ’ .
27 Walkers who have no desire to locate the potholes of Newby Moss and refuse to be deflected from their intention to reach the top of Ingleborough can best achieve their objective by continuing upwards , guided by Grey Wife Sike across the rough and rising terrain of Ingleborough Common .
28 In practice , they are effective , hardworking groups of professionals and laypeople who have a commitment to education .
29 ( How often one wishes that readers who have no hearing loss would take the trouble to follow the same procedure ! )
30 What asks Alston will happen when remote users have access to these electronic versions only , and to readers who have no understanding of the way in which the catalogue has developed ?
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