Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] i [vb base] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 've also got an old ‘ 57 brown sunburst which I do n't take out on the road , as last time it got knocked over twice , and I do n't want it to get battered any more .
2 A difference of one thousand one hundred in the base dwellings stock which I 've not discussed and do n't propose to go into .
3 As appears from the chronology which I have already recited the purpose of the December charge being executed in favour of the mortgagees was simply to replace the defective charge that had been given in September .
4 On the one occasion when I made a direct appeal to her , in connection with the battle against the closed shop for journalists which I describe later , her response was gratifyingly supportive and it was no fault of hers that she was unable to persuade Lord Hailsham to a course of action that might well have altered journalistic history .
5 It 's an old black and white photograph which I cut out many years ago from a now long defunct feature magazine .
6 For what I have done I will answer , but not for murder which I have not done . ’
7 ‘ The images which I like best are the ones which other people like — which have the best response .
8 He then referred to a passage from the judgment of Nolan J. in Anderton v. Lythgoe [ 1985 ] 1 W.L.R. 222 , 228 , including the words which I have earlier cited .
9 If you do n't call working on the side as a crime which I do n't .
10 The two speeches which I have just analysed are probably the two greatest ones in the play as they both change the storyline dramatically , but Marc Antony 's speech having the better effect on the plebeians which seems unfair , as he was dishonest and Brutus was n't , yet he won the ‘ word ’ battle and lead on from there to become greater and greater in power .
11 I have an intarsia carriage which I have rarely used because I find intarsia slow and tedious .
12 so erm investing into industry which I do n't know much about , and I , I am suspicious that invest into industry anyway erm so it 's gon na have , to work it 'll have to be quite a long term policy , well I imagine it would n't be a short-term policy .
13 For reasons which I do not claim to understand , Australia has seen a number of cases of scandalising the court in recent years .
14 Mum , I remember bit which I do n't like of the cake
15 Yet in the States at this time there was a real explosion of sexual activity , of public sexual activity , the development of gay saunas , the development of sexually explicit magazines ; there was a huge migration , really , to New York , San Francisco , Los Angeles by gay people , a whole burgeoning of a literature and expression of new sexual activities which I do n't think was really echoed to the same extent until quite late in the seventies in this country .
16 And two thousand for the lower death rates , national projections which I 've already mentioned .
17 She makes a sort of crackling noise which I 've never been able to explain : it may be contentment — or perhaps she 's asking for more .
18 From them comes a smell which I find achingly familiar : they and their spears and shields give off the scent of Africa : woodsmoke , hides , cattle and dust .
19 If the proposals which I put forward on behalf of the Conservative group had been adopted , £15,000 not £1,500 would have been available for practical environmental issues this year .
20 It could have accepted the proposals which I put forward to rationalise and institutionalise the administrative jurisdiction in a boldly-conceived system of administrative courts separated to a large extent from the ordinary routine of departmental administration and free from indirect ministerial interference .
21 A second function which I do n't want to dwell on now because I 'm gon na deal with it in a lot more detail next week , is o o this is a second function of calcium activated K channels , is to release potassium from epith epithelial cells during fluid and electrolyte secretion .
22 And if any words could be found in the Statute which provided that besides paying Income Tax on income people should pay for advantages or emoluments in its wider sense ( such as I think the word " emoluments " here , has not , for reasons to be presently given ) , there is no doubt of Mr Tennant 's possession of a material advantage , which made his salary of higher value to him than if he did not possess it , and upon the hypothesis which I have just indicated , would be taxable accordingly .
23 That 's the certificate which I regret now is with South Staffs museum at Lichfield .
24 I was reading through back copies of MKM which I do quite often and started to read Help Line in the April '91 issue , when my husband ( who had been clearing out the attic ) came into the room with an old TV Times — Feb 1960 .
25 But , having regard to the passage from the judgment of the European Court in the Francovich case which I have just quoted , it is in my opinion right that in the present case your Lordships should proceed on the basis that if , on the reference to it in the Stoke-on-Trent case [ 1991 ] Ch. 48 , the court should hold that section 47 of the Shops Act 1950 is invalid as being in conflict with article 30 of the Treaty , the United Kingdom may be obliged to make good damage caused to individuals by the breach of article 30 for which it is responsible .
26 of my budget which I control directly .
27 So in 1959 we moved to a large , ark-like Victorian farmhouse in Hampshire which I share today with our vast collection of children 's toys .
28 An important work which I have not been able to consult is " Sketches of the Coasts and Islands of Scotland and of the Isle of Man " by Charles John Shore , Baron Teignmouth .
29 An important work which I have not been able to consult is " Sketches of the Coasts and Islands of Scotland and of the Isle of Man " by Charles John Shore , Baron Teignmouth .
30 Perhaps the most positive outcome , on a personal basis , has been the opportunity to participate in discussion and share ideas on an area of my work which I have not previously discussed in depth .
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