Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] could [verb] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 If you can find someone with a key to let you in , the interior of the chapel is said to be interestingly decorated , but the one time I was in Harambels I could find cows but no people .
2 like that and eventually with the help of my mum I could join sentences together to make a real piece of writing .
3 Able to call upon the financial and military resources of his whole empire , the new Duke was a political bulldozer possessed of a weight which could flatten opponents and their castles .
4 The large entrance lock was built in 1884 to give access to a dock which could take vessels up to three thousand
5 Some are rather heavy and contain a silicone ingredient which could cause problems — a build-up of silicone on the hair may affect the results of perms , tints , bleaches etc .
6 In private practice you could provide services for large , corporate clients , or for private individuals and small businesses .
7 He glanced across the shore again , and even in the dark she could see lines deepen round his mouth .
8 In some respects one could regard patients , GPs and specialists as , in Schutz 's ( 1964 ) terms , man-in-the-street , well-informed citizen and expert respectively .
9 I suspect he was in the Tower not because he could count the days but was privy to secrets which could rock thrones and topple crowns ! ’
10 As abolitionist ambitions widened in geographical scope the ability of reformers to effect them declined in respect both to an informed public opinion able to be mobilised and on finding policies which could bring results through the use of practical methods .
11 He invented a precursor of the high-speed continuous extrusion freezer which could cut novelties out of slabs of vanilla ice cream .
12 The duke resigned in protest at a government bill containing proposals which could force landlords to sell the freeholds of flats to leaseholders .
13 America 's Federal Highway Administration said it might invest in smart roads which could warn drivers of traffic jams and electronically collect tolls for using the road .
14 I could talk lengthily about food without longing for it , and at home I could cook meals without tasting and without my mouth watering .
15 When I was a child I could remember gatherings of two or three hundred people , but there were less than a hundred out on the dry grass .
16 Fifth , for historical reasons , whoever controlled Thessaly controlled the Delphic Amphictyony , an international committee which could impose fines for religious offences , usually trumped up , and generally exert a practical moral ascendancy of an enjoyable kind over the Greek community .
17 But it is doubtful if this argument will lead to any exceptions being made in an orchestrated campaign which could hit projects such as the proposals for a power plant which British Gas said yesterday it had negotiated with Bahrain .
18 British Steel , National Power and North West Water are among participants in The Pump Centre , a major new co-operative initiative run by AEA which could save clients millions of pounds by improving awareness of the latest pumping technology among component suppliers , manufacturers and users .
19 Here again there are local choices to be made , one option is the creation of new villages or larger settlements which could offer opportunities for high quality design , and also relieve pressures on existing towns and villages .
20 Have regard to the environment of care and its physical , psychological and social effects on patients/clients , and also to the adequacy of resources , and make known to appropriate persons or authorities any circumstances which could place patients/clients in jeopardy or which militate against safe standards of practice .
21 After pausing for a second he must have relented , because he told her that if it was any help she could borrow benches and trestle tables .
22 Thus the hunt was on for heads of functions who could deliver results , and executive search was seen to be the only truly effective way to actually define and attract this key talent .
23 If his enemy held a stave he could cross weapons with him .
24 The menu is varied and if you choose to do so , you could make a full meal of it — for instance you could choose calamari , followed by Scottish salmon , followed by delicious fudge brownies .
25 Many small companies could be sustained over difficult periods in their life-cycle if they were associated with caring educational institutions who could offer facilities , skills training , professional consultancy , sharing of staff on a flexible give and take basis , students seconded as real working additions to the work force , joint economic ventures such as trading , shared facilities such as crèches , and so on .
26 I 've got all the countries blanks might not oh I might not even have the countries on but if you had blanks you could put countries in , that 'll be easier than
27 In the haze I could see figures lying on mattresses on the floor .
28 Since 1980 a proposal has been under discussion for a Directive which could require companies to introduce procedures for informing and consulting employees ; it became known as the ‘ Vredeling Directive ’ .
29 But the idea of founding fixed royal chapels in strategic places which could provide incomes for royal chaplains was already formed .
30 It was Europe on 5 October 1989 , where a vast human drama which could provide scenes for a thousand films is in progress , writes Patricia Clough .
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