Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] do [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The second excommunicated all clergy who did homage to laymen for ecclesiastical possessions , as well as those who associated with them afterwards .
2 Cos in the afternoon she does catering from the pub and then the evening she just works behind the bar .
3 The only people who drive luxury saloons in East Oxford are drug dealers who do karate with their rottweilers to relax .
4 An education which does justice to feminist priorities is not merely a matter of curriculum innovation and change although when women begin to rewrite the history and culture of societies in ways which include the diversity of women 's experiences , and when women generate their own knowledge and become their own teachers — the consequences can be challenging to men 's view of the world and their view of women .
5 Right Doug erm there 's a couple of points there really erm like you , you got the , the , the guy and you said who else do you know why not paint a picture , you know , erm like for example Jim the people I do business with are between twenty five and thirty five , they 're usually married buying their own home
6 Proceedings were commenced against Volkswagen of America ( VWoA ) , a New Jersey corporation which did business in Illinois and had a registered address for service there .
7 Among positive rights , we should include the rights : to have all one 's experience and knowledge assessed in the admissions process ; to determine the subjects studied ; to have a legitimate measure of control over the pace and the methods of study ; to be able to follow a particular academic interest , or develop a point of view of one 's own ; to be examined in ways which do justice to the student 's achievements ; and to be credited with those parts of a course which have been passed successfully ( should the student wish or need to move to another institution , or to take a break in the programme of study ) .
8 Will he give active support to a federal solution for Cyprus which does justice to both communities within the integrity of the sovereignty of the republic of Cyprus ?
9 ‘ Are you that bloody idiot who does golf for the News ? ’ was his opening salvo ; and things got worse when Toby , never able to turn the verbal cheek , even to a large and extremely aggressive drunk , proceeded to tell him his opinion of Scottish golfers in general and of unwelcome Scottish drunks in particular .
10 Anselm was now ready for the remaining stages of his promotion : in September he did homage to the king and was invested with the lands of the archbishopric ; on 25 September he was enthroned at Canterbury , and on 4 December 1093 he was consecrated at Canterbury .
11 It is not , however , a book which does justice to international cricket 's leading wicket-taker in one-day competition .
12 After some disappointment with the early issues ( half-empty pages , non-features featuring non-entities and cartoons which just were n't funny ) , I now look forward to articles of a length which does justice to the subject matter , fashion spreads which treat men like adults and a review section with critics who write with genuine authority ( and , in Gilbert Adair 's case , genuine elegance ) .
13 The other thing we do sort of every now and then , and next time will be Easter , we actually have some people in costume who actually reoccupy the house over Waster weekend in this case as as the household of William and they 've been coming for a long time now and they 've got set into the set into their roles quite well .
14 ‘ Well , ’ continued Gloria between swallows of coffee , ‘ the lady what polishes the cars for him has got a sister what does cleaning at Stowbridge Tech . ’
15 and I just did n't agree with it and I 'm trying to sort of , they say in your subconscious you do sort of look at and the last person erm , will look at you , you get
16 Then at Angers he did homage to his father , swearing on the Gospels that he would be faithful to him against all men .
17 There 's a Danish guy I do business with and although Thomas knows him well , and loves going in his van , he refuses to have anything to do with Leif himself .
18 ‘ The first time we did Top Of The Pops it was quite horrible .
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