Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] be in his " in BNC.

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1 He is able to reveal that Mr Cliburn 's famous victory in Moscow was engineered by one of the judges : Sviatoslav Richter , a great Russian pianist who was in his day a child prodigy .
2 A glint of admiration showed in his eyes , and before she could open her mouth she was in his arms and his mouth was on hers .
3 Indeed , if he has a fault as a critic it is in his boyishly enthusiastic generosity towards authors — Thomas Usk , Lydgate — who are not really as interesting as he makes them sound .
4 Russell Reynolds himself is in his 50s , and this is already becoming an issue .
5 She ran through the gardens to him , and in a second she was in his arms .
6 In an instant she was in his arms and he had kissed her , one short , hard kiss , and had pushed her from him , saying , ‘ Go on .
7 The next moment she was in his arms and he had kicked the door shut behind him .
8 Maxim had a tie with him , but at the moment it was in his pocket .
9 The steward was elderly , experienced and intelligent , and though he was custodian only of one of the minor properties in Leicester 's huge and international honour , by the sharpening glint in his eye he was in his lord 's confidence , and well acquainted with the mysterious and elaborate coffin so strangely jettisoned in the forest beyond Ullesthorpe .
10 In that moment what was in his mind was written clearly in his eyes .
11 Only a fool assumed that the knowledge which was in his possession was the fullest extent of a man 's ability to know .
12 He could hardly now suggest lunch , nor could he , at this solemn moment , eat the apple which was in his jacket pocket .
13 By Monday evening the Wycliffes were back at The Watch House , their home outside the city where he had his headquarters , and on Tuesday morning he was in his office .
14 The deep voice sent tremors of enraged reaction through her bloodstream , and then without further warning she was in his arms , clamped in steel , and he was kissing her , hard , on the lips .
15 She had become tougher on Creggan , saying that he must use what little space there was in his cage to practise flight — turning , wheeling , lifting himself again and again and again … for she said that the day might come when he would need those skills .
16 If Ackerley derived any satisfaction from this rough , rackety , frustrated life it was in his work at The Listener , where his enlightened editorial policies make him sound like a reviewer 's dream ( he telephoned contributors at midnight to query the removal of a comma ) .
17 A good man , Ephraim Cook , with a good , strait-laced , sensible wife , a man who 'd keep the looms turning and the profits coming in long after John-William himself was in his grave .
18 At first sight the election of a former Communist to become the country 's next president may appear surprising , but there are a number of factors which were in his favour .
19 As regards the present argument , the law seems to be that a parent or guardian can consent only to treatment which is in his charge 's interest .
20 It is difficult to see any reason why in civil proceedings the privilege against self-incrimination should be exercisable so as to enable a litigant to refuse relevant and even vital documents which are in his possession or power and which speak for themselves .
21 The applicant , a member of the Tax Bar , had been served with notices under the Taxes Management Act 1970 requiring him to produce copies of documents which were in his possession for the purpose of providing legal advice to clients , who had not authorised disclosure .
22 They said what 's that , what 's that , it 's margarine every single bit right , and was wearing the balloon it was in his eyes .
23 Vine-Lott makes the point that as he wants to develop a private client retail system it is in his interest to simplify the system as much as possible .
24 With the Survey he was in his element .
25 ‘ This Act will enslave you , ’ he heard Cameron saying , ‘ and not only the young men among you but every family with a son who is in his prime .
26 ‘ Yeah , and this time it 's in his lung . ’
27 ‘ By the time he was in his mid-twenties and he still had n't learnt to drive , he was afraid he 'd fail the test .
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