Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] give [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I carried mine , then I put it in my pocket and further along the route I gave it to someone in the crowd . ’
2 ‘ An' where 's the money I gave yer fer the pictures ? ’ he demanded .
3 Yes it 's great , I mean in the first year lecture on Tuesday erm in the break I gave them in the middle of it the the corridor was like thick with tobacco smoke y'know you could hardly
4 I did n't approve of what he was doing , but if I refused his money I would be more and more visible , so I took it , and when he had gone off in relief back towards the dining car I gave it to the barman .
5 Bought a Vax , they said no they 're a con do n't worry , he said with a little bit of luck you 'll get one that 'll be free , you 'll have to give a report on it once a month , then about after nine months they give it to you if they thought
6 The rewards for those working in BP come in the quality of the opportunities it gives us for the future .
7 But one thing , on behalf of the museum services , I would like to thank Doreen Griffiths for the help she gave us in our exhibition , ’ Memories of Change ’ , which you can see in the exhibition room over there , and she contributed a lot of photographs , and her memories , and allowed herself to be taped and have her memories in our archive , and for that we give her a great thank , because it 's not always easy for the , sometimes for the first time to begin talking into a tape-recorder , so we thank her very much , and thank you very much for coming in and performing for us today !
8 The Queen who gave it to Andy and Fergie as a wedding present has made it clear to her advisors that the Duchess should not be forced to leave , as long as the she adheres to her agreement not to talk about the marriage break up .
9 We extend thanks to Brian Perry , Director of the Library 's Research and Development Department ( R&DD ) for his encouragement and his ‘ after dinner ’ thoughts on the 25th of June , and to Stephanie Kenna , also of the British Library 's R&DD , for the essential guidance and assistance she gave us throughout the pre- and post-seminar stages .
10 HERE are two more unlikely lads to add to the super WWF Wallchart we gave you on Monday .
11 ‘ They appreciated the peace it gave them from the ones who wound them up and it gave us peace .
12 Once I 'd discounted the story you gave me about Lori 's reasons for being there , I realised the note could only have come from her , and therefore she must have taken the jade . ’
13 The road was owned by Mr Dalison who gave it to the parish , in 1892 and it was made up at the cost of £40 and the improvements to the cemetery cost a further £21 140 .
14 ‘ Remember the lecture I gave you in the train .
15 I still have that little book of selected poems you gave me on my twelfth birthday .
16 The van Meers brought some wine which they said was Australian and the Keiths enjoyed the reminder it gave them of meals on the Mataura .
17 If Professor Benson here were to make a very brief precis of the lecture he gave us in the wardroom this evening it might give them something more to think about . ’
18 The micro-processor , enabling previously labour-intensive work to be carried out by robots , will give us greater leisure ; the leisure industry is labour-intensive ; therefore , paradoxically , instead of reducing the number of jobs , the micro-processor has actually given us the potential to create more careers than it destroys — but only if we plan the leisure it gives us in a comprehensive and professional way .
19 ‘ I do n't know why you 're wearing that ridiculous outfit , ’ said Robert , ‘ and I do n't know why you 're telling all these things to Malik and telling him about things I gave you as a present . ’
20 Start by playing these combinations with one note then apply some of the melodic permutations I gave you in part 1 of this series .
21 Quite apart from the fact that every £1.00 you give us by covenant is worth £1.33 your contributions mean we can rely on a regular income .
22 The figures you gave us at the beginning I I seem to remember that you sell a lot more water abroad than in this country .
23 Though she 'd never worked in insurance , her potential employers thought her smiling manner and evident efficiency would equip her well for the task , particularly as she appeared a quick learner , and did well in the practical assignment they gave her during the period of the interview itself .
24 No I do n't , no that was just a nickname they give him for years ago , matter of fact I the other day , I was walking up and he called me , so I took me father 's name you see , nickname , that was .
25 Figures they gave us from surveys carried out for the Inter-Bank Research Organisation by the British Market Research Bureau confirmed this , but showed that people in social classes A , B and C1 are still twice as likely to have a bank account as people in social classes D and E , and that the higher someone 's income the greater is the likelihood of their having a bank account .
26 He looked white and tired , and the smile he gave her in greeting was strained .
27 But far more valuable was the chance it gave him of widening his sphere of influence .
28 But far more valuable was the chance it gave him of widening his sphere of influence .
29 It was not until about a year later , when I became the High Master of Warboys , that I took him into Warboys and made him a sort of Staff pilot flying Oxford aircraft on special navigational training exercises ; this was something that I could physically check and I do not know why it is , and I am not being clever now , I just accepted the evidence he gave me of this phoney flying .
30 Though he was later subtly dismissive of the assembly , he undoubtedly appreciated its value at the time , not least for the good publicity it gave him in the British and American press .
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