Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] [was/were] say that " in BNC.

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1 Now on Friday we were saying that Gloucester were on the right track … that West Hartlepool would be railroaded by them on saturday … bad news … the cherry and whites suffered a points failure … they went and lost by six points to twenty one
2 At the inception of the previous chapter it was said that all grants of power to public bodies could be broken down into two parts : if X exists , you may or shall do Y.
3 In the recession of the early 1980s this service suffered immensely through poor sales and ultra high terminations — in those days it was said that washroom would be the hardest hit in any recession because it was not seen as an essential service ; much confidence was , then lost in the service .
4 Doors and bolts had been fixed , but in a three-month period it was said that ‘ 14 dozen locks ’ had been broken , the children had burned down the door , and even iron gates had not stopped them from gaining access to the roof and throwing stones on people below .
5 And then the other day you were saying that it 's nice to have someone drop in
6 Erm er anyway , never mind , um so um also erm particularly from a feminist perspective this idea of of so-called faulty family dynamics has been called into question by people like for example Hall and Lloyd who were saying that um , something along the lines of if you if you blame the family as a whole then this draws attention away from the fact that it 's not the families who do the abusing , it 's often , from their point of view , it was often the men that do .
7 For those of us who ca n't make Goodison I think R5 has full commentary on the match … infact they interviewed Wilko last night who was saying that he had n't thought about whether or not anyone could catch Scum , but he was only interested in how many points we could get ‘ it 's like the Grand National ’ , he said , ‘ plenty of favourites fall the seconf time round ’ .
8 Well it 's funny because erm , when we saw Ken the other day he was saying that erm his niece rang him up and erm she 's er she 's gon na be in Crewe this weekend for a friend 's wedding and , I think she must be coming up with some , some other girl as well , because the two of them , he said , I 'm taking two young ladies out on Sunday for lunch where 's a good place for a Sunday lunch you see ?
9 Later in the day it was said that the Germans had refused to issue any more food parcels for the rest of the week .
10 BEFORE the Oakland Athletics began their American League Championship series against the Toronto Blue Jays it was said that the team had a crucial flaw : when their celebrated home-run hitters were not peppering the upper decks , the A 's supposedly found it tough to manufacture runs base by base with base hits , steals and sacrifice flies .
11 I was surprised by the number of people who were saying that they disliked him , and by the degree of bitterness and the spiteful determination that he had to go .
12 On Harper 's behalf it was said that although he 'd been reckless , dangerous and stupid by starting the fire , there 'd been no evil or mischief in his mind .
13 It 's interesting , you 're talking about our first caller who was saying that there was just too much television coverage
14 Because a mosque stood next door it was said that the cinema had been rejected by Allah as an unworthy neighbour .
15 In a more recent case it was said that the evidence called must be commensurate with the seriousness of the allegations made ( per Butler-Sloss LJ in R v Birmingham CC , ex pP [ 1991 ] 1 WLR 221 ) .
16 IN the Budget it was said that beer was going up by 1p a pint , was it not ?
17 From the earliest times it was said that sugar was brought to Madeira by Prince Henry the Navigator to capture the trade from the Genoese and Venetians .
18 Ever the optimist , Davies she was saying that the extra 's day 's practice would give her ‘ a headstart over the rest of them ’ .
19 Is he aware that the chair of the local British Medical Association branch in Calderdale recently publicly rebuked local Tories who were saying that GPs wanted to become fund holders ?
20 Throughout the past Five Nations series it was said that Ireland had reached rock-bottom , particularly against Wales and Scotland , and the only way they could go was up .
21 Cable & Wireless Plc 's Mercury Communications Ltd seems to have run into trouble with its trial of personal numbering announced last August : at that stage it was saying that trials of the technology — which would enable subscribers to use any phone to inform the network of their whereabouts — would begin in the autumn of last year .
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