Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] [vb mod] [verb] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 In another existence I might have emulated Capability Brown .
2 I knew that she did n't believe in him as I did because in that case I would have recognised her as I had recognised Mother Joseph , who inhabited a territory which I had visited .
3 Either you have lost the letter or you did n't have it to lose in the first place , in which case the king never gave it to you , i which case he gave it to me , in which case I would have put it into my inside top pocket in which case ( Calmly producing the letter ) … it will be … here .
4 Well I 'll check in case I might have picked it up with my school stuff , to be honest
5 which is enough to do four little little pictures I thought I might do for the craft thing in September , erm you know our flower festival and erm in which case I 'd have had to purchase a few of your little thingies that 's pretty .
6 If I had n't been weak and without hope I should have quarrelled with almost everything Syl said .
7 Of the thousand-plus programmes I must have taken part in during those years I remember very little , and those mostly trivial things : Thor Heyerdahl the Norwegian explorer arriving half an hour late from Broadcasting House because the taxi driver sent to fetch him understood he had been told to pick up four airedales ( a reasonable enough request , he reckoned , from the BBC ) ; the maverick film director Ken Russell whacking Alexander Walker , the Evening Standard film critic , over the head with a copy of his own paper ; Norman St John Stevas , MP ( now Lord St John of Fawsley ) winking at a cameraman who had had the stars and stripes sewn on to the bottom of his jeans ; Enoch Powell 's eyes filling with tears when I asked if he was an emotional man ; A. J. P. Taylor on his seventy-fifth birthday admitting he had never been offered an honour and when I asked him which he would like if given the choice , his replying , ‘ A baronetcy , because it would make my elder son so dreadfully annoyed . ’
8 If I do that that 's five hours I 'll have built up in one week .
9 At the end of March I will have completed six years .
10 ‘ If the FA had asked me personally to select our opponents I 'd have gone for Orient , ’ said Still .
11 If I had chosen the North Stand I would have found myself in the middle of those awful drunken , swearing and spitting Ards fans .
12 The proposals to combat discrimination within the profession have not met with the support I would have hoped for .
13 ‘ After the events in Leipzig and other cities I would have expected more , ’ said another .
14 " If I 'd wanted to spend over five hours on the golf course I would have become a greenkeeper and not a professional golfer . "
15 Of course I would have contacted you .
16 ‘ Of course I would have liked to have taken 50 or 60 wickets , but I felt that in the latter part of the season , I proved my fitness once and for all .
17 ‘ Of course I would have refused .
18 Of course I would have enjoyed the occasion much more had I been in better shape , but in the event it all went better than I had dared hope even if I was near to passing out at times .
19 ‘ Of course I 'd have said no .
20 ‘ Of course I 'd have walked . ’
21 Of course I 'd have come to visit you , you fool .
22 And of course I 'd get accused of assault .
23 ‘ Of course I should 've done something , think I do n't know it ?
24 ‘ Of course I should have charged them !
25 The second er reason which he gave me , of course I should have thought for myself , he said , but the accountants more accurately represented the human form than did the rats , so that was a clear one to him , but it was the third one that really floored me , when he told me that their staff had been getting really attached to the rats .
26 And I would have lost the chance to sail across the Pacific with Ellen , because Ellen was on the verge of agreeing to come with me , and if I had not yielded to the policeman 's blackmail I would have lost Ellen as well as my boat .
27 I must insist we get back to the boundaries , I 've repeatedly had to do so this afternoon I would have thought it that the message would have got over to me honourable members before now .
28 He got me so riled I lost a race this afternoon I should have won .
29 ‘ If you were n't Eddie 's kid sister I 'd have given you a far harder ride for what you 've just accused me of this evening , so do n't push your luck , Dr Kate Ash , because you might come to regret it ! ’
30 By all the normal rules I should have pulled away before that , but if the road was clear I could let things get more serious before doing anything , and if it was blocked it was already too late .
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