Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] [vb past] it [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 The expectation of falling interest rates and bond yields which underpinned it has been rudely removed .
2 Through all the beliefs and countries which used it runs the thread of its curative effect on the eyes , and ability to strengthen the sight .
3 R — Replied to : An SSR has been generated in response to the SPR and the user who entered it has been informed , but the problem is not yet fully resolved .
4 R — Replied to An SSR has been generated in response to the SPR and the user who entered it has been informed , but the problem is not yet fully resolved .
5 R — Replied to — An SSR has been generated in response to the SPR and the user who entered it has been informed , but the problem is not yet fully resolved .
6 I said it 's no good asking my opinion I said it looks alright to me .
7 The anonymous person who did it does not have the respect of the locals currently active on the scene and the bolt will , in all probability , be replaced .
8 The man who spotted it says it 's inaccessible without proper equipment so Mr Scales is getting through to the coastguards , sir . ’
9 That 's right , and , and the first act of the play is a rehearsal and it keeps stopping and the director keeps sort of straightening them out and they 're dealing with little problems , and when you 're actually rehearsing it you find yourself sort of repeating the play because it 's so ac Michael Frayn who wrote it has so accurately observed what happens er when you 're directing a play that er you find yourself re-enacting the play and , and suddenly find a discussion you 've just been having has part sounds as if it 's come out of the script .
10 ‘ And no matter what hurt it gives to other people , I presume . ’
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