Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] [vb past] and say " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Supposing for instance someone came and said they were Mr Unwin , you would check that his name was on the list and let him in ? ’
2 She welcomed the tea she made and said , when her daughter could no longer contain the fact of her marathon , ‘ Oh there was no need to hurry like that , darling .
3 I did not know how he would take all this ; but at the end of the interview he rose and said , ‘ I agree entirely with what you said at the beginning .
4 I could never have said it to him face to face , but over the telephone I hesitated and said , ‘ But I thought the newspaper business was booming ! ’
5 I wondered what he wanted , so I did it ; and in the interval of the rehearsal he came and said he was suffering from nervous shock because the moment I started he realized I was doing exactly the contrary of all the things he had taught the orchestra .
6 He looked disparagingly at Lucie who shrugged and said , ‘ It was just an idea . ’
7 At that point I laughed and said — yeah along with Strachan , Speed , Macca , Deane …
8 When I offered to pay the cost of the taxi they smiled and said :
9 As I came out of the water he stood and said , ‘ We will take the boat and go to Petrocaravi . ’
10 They just That was the only example they gave and said that as the word
11 When he came along erm was about he was more or less asked what terms he wanted and said that he was no to show no favouritism .
12 At her door she turned and said , ‘ Mrs Rae , Do you think you could book another place for Christmas dinner at that restaurant ? ’
13 ’ At the door he turned and said in a clipped voice , ‘ Where 's the Miracle-Worker ?
14 She described the revelatory information they contained and said she was prepared to make them available .
15 When she pointed out this might mean she would be on her own yet again throughout another summer he shrugged and said it could not be helped and he had no choice .
16 I was conducting Elektra in Berlin — I think it was around the time of his 75th birthday — and at the end he came and said to me it was the best performance of the opera he had ever heard .
17 But when yesterday 's caller refused to listen to Snelly 's explanation he exploded and said : ‘ You do n't even listen to my show .
18 After a time she sighed and said , ‘ It is true enough .
19 But to Sophie 's intense mortification it was Dawn who arrived and said calmly , ‘ Robert has been called out to a difficult calving case and I 've been told to give you his apologies .
20 As he was being led to the cells he sniggered and said : ‘ Happy Christmas , by the way . ’
21 All the time he stood and said , what 's wrong , what 's wrong ?
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