Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] [noun pl] [verb] with " in BNC.

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1 No blue skies , just the same depressing grey she had grown used to , and as the events of yesterday flooded relentlessly into her mind her eyes filled with helpless tears .
2 Some railways refused to carry parties whose projects clashed with their own .
3 In linking the resourcing of the school library to specific curriculum developments , and in making grants only to those schools whose plans comply with specified criteria , the local authority has acted in the same way as such central government agencies as the Department of Education and Science ( DES ) and the Manpower Services Commission ( MSC ) .
4 Authors whose surnames begin with Mac , or Mc , were dealt with in different ways under differing editorial policies operating at different times .
5 Authors whose surnames begin with Mac , or Mc , were dealt with in different ways under differing editorial policies operating at different times .
6 May their lives continue with equal joy and may they share many Happy occasions and reunions such as this with our families and friends .
7 Burgoyne and Clark ( 1984 ) report that this was seen as a major reason for returning to live with parents after the break-up of a marriage , and the assistance which grandparents gave with child care in the short term was seen as vital in helping their daughter or son to re-establish themselves economically and to form new relationships .
8 Across the warm , sun-filled expanse of wilderness their eyes met with an impact that held them both motionless .
9 Andrew did n't smile and for a second his eyes locked with Benedicta 's .
10 He looked down , and as he gazed at the sleeping child his eyes glittered with what looked suspiciously like unshed tears .
11 For a moment her eyes flared with anger , but then she seemed to laugh deep inside herself and her eyes changed , their anger replaced by a hard amusement .
12 In fact Pakistan 's triumph was like an Eid , the religious festival which Muslims celebrate with great fervour at the conclusion of Ramadan .
13 Beware of plants whose flowers clash with the foliage .
14 If chronological and organisational priority were attributed to Sharp and Clarkson , Wilberforce emerged unambiguously as the third member of an heroic triumvirate whose efforts crowned with success the struggle for abolition .
15 The Royal Mint usually supplied coins whose dates correspond with those of the year of the boundary riding but in 1983 there was a lack of co-operation and , but for the intervention of the local MP Leon Brittain , no new coins would have been forthcoming .
16 Actions , in turn , create the conditions for their own contradiction when the successful fulfilment of praxis is prevented by the action of another praxis whose aims conflict with it .
17 Gods whose ways co-existed with farming and nature now functioned all the better in the guise of saints .
18 Poliakoff had his first playwrighting success at the age of 19 but he has always been , to put it gently , a more grown-up dramatist than many of the pack of hairy , scary stage writers whose careers coincide with his .
19 They are not perhaps the kind of remarks to be found in Christmas crackers , but they suggest that his humour was bound up with the idea of self-parody : he is mocking the pontifical manner which others associated with him .
20 They may reject what they regard as middle-class or old-fashioned values and delight in looking as dirty and scruffy as possible , championing people and causes that most of the people their parents mix with would not consider acceptable .
21 The reports still do not identify by regions which regions comply with that eighty five motion .
22 However , in these cases too , it is the economic relations which farmers have with other more developed economies that cause these problems .
23 At that age their faces reflect with the most uninhibited intensity every changing emotion , that goes with every separate circumstance of every single character in the story .
24 People whose disabilities begin with severe illness or injury find themselves in medical hands whether they like it or not .
25 Alternatively outside experts or personalities whose views coincide with those of the company may be used .
26 ‘ Do you know a woman whose names begin with the letters L.L. ? ’
27 There was a dance in an inn at Hawkshead , a miner his pockets bulging with " Rusland gold " lost the lot on the floor when his pocket split open .
28 Well firstly the bill did n't have that rough a passage in the House of Lords , because there are only two basic amendments , er that we 're dealing with in the House of Commons that matter , and one of them is the one you 've just mentioned , the answer to it is this , er I 've had a lot of criticisms of giving B R the untrammelled right to bid , er right from the outset their criticisms to do with the danger that you would n't get competition for the franchises the private sector would be afraid , and incidentally this is not a sell off it 's it 's a way of getting the private sector into British Rail with all the advantages that brings , they would be afraid that they would face subsidized and unfair competition , above all , perhaps , British Rail ge=management would feel if they were bidding against their employer that would be a real discouragement to bid , and we 've a lot of evidence er that they feel that and that there are many who do wish to bid in management/employee buy outs , so what we 've done in the amendment is we 've preserved the right for British Rail to bid , but we 've dealt with those criticisms and worries which have come from a lot of quarters not least from within British Rail itself .
29 Not so easily survivable , however , are the crude overridings of capable and honest scientists whose findings conflict with the preferences of their political bosses .
30 Williams ' theory , in brief , was that whilst the West Indian plantation economy with its slave labour force was the prime factor in the development of mercantilist capital in Great Britain , the ascent in the early 19th century of the industrial bourgeoisie created new forces whose interests clashed with those of the more established capitalist group .
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