Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] [adv] [verb] some " in BNC.

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1 Well , you know , there are little corner shops which still have some sense of individuality about them .
2 Unlike Buddy Holly 's version , Linda 's is not in A but in E , a key which still gives some nice open-string options .
3 Walden , born in Berlin , a musician who also wrote some plays and poems , was the some time lover of the esteemed ( Jewish ) expressionist poet Else Lasker-Schüler .
4 Whichever way you decide to produce your holiday movie you still need some kind of broad action-plan in your mind ; without this , you will inevitably find that you have filled the tape with a lot of unrelated odds and ends .
5 By February 1890 , this temporary arrangement had extended its coverage and become permanent with the establishment of an Employers ' Labour Association representing thirty of the principal steamship owners and twenty master stevedores and porters who together employed some three-fifths of the seamen and dockers in the port .
6 It is difficult , especially with larger branches who still retain some considerable cash collection , I turn over somewhere in the region of eight thousand pounds a year , which is n't bad in , in this day and age .
7 He paused a moment to let his words sink in , and then added : " Perhaps he 'll explain away the case , reported officially to the Royal College of Physicians , of a dispenser who accidentally swallowed some of the so-called " rice-water " matter voided by a patient in a state of collapse from cholera … but who suffered no ill-effects whatsoever ! "
8 The Office for Fine Arts has not made definite plans about the procedure to be followed but it is thought that those institutions which already have some of the works of art on loan will be allowed to keep them , while the museums will be able to choose from what is left .
9 In 1981–2 , for example , fourteen universities were validating degree and Dip.HE courses in forty colleges and institutes of higher education , including nine institutions which also had some CNAA-validated courses .
10 If Pecham had harboured any idea of renewing the struggle when his second provincial council met at Lambeth in 1281 , it was forestalled by a royal writ of prohibition of the general kind which simply barred some action .
11 I think we have to be very careful we do n't take reactions which actually negate some of the work and the common sense that has been undertaken at the moment .
12 Studies conducted since April 1988 convey mothers ' powerful sense that , as their poverty deepens , strategies which once gave some protection to their families are crumbling under the weight of increasing debt ( Cohen , 1990 , 1991 a , b ; Craig and Glendinning , 1990a , 1990b ; Craig , 1991 ) .
13 However , if there are one or more alternative acts which also possess some characteristic which similarly gives rise to prima facie obligatoriness , then only one of them can be all-things-considered obligatory .
14 And that implies that our learning together engages us in dynamic encounter dynamic dialogue which also releases some of those energies in various areas of life that would otherwise be sealed or indeed , locked !
15 But perhaps the obvious disparity between individual talents and dispositions which clearly fit some for action more than others , the obvious tension involved between the pressures of active involvement in affairs and the inner detachment necessary for thought and contemplation , and the history of the development of Western institutional Christianity with its strong tradition of groups separated from the world in convents and monasteries , or priests distinguished from the laity by their religious calling , make it after all not so surprising that the discussions of active and contemplative life tended to stress their separation from each other rather than draw attention to a more fruitful affinity .
16 Why the Scots in general , and the sea-fishermen in particular , should have put up with this monstrous injustice is hard to understand , but the insult has now been compounded to a degree which surely demands some national response .
17 Since it takes no account of possible movements between sites it probably contains some duplications .
18 The miners themselves probably found some sort of lodgings in the area but also spent most of their time living in small draughty shelters or " hutts " built near to their work places only severe weather shifting them down to the valley bottoms .
19 But the conventions surrounding the drama itself usually go some way to counter this kind of misapprehension even in mediaeval times .
20 By covenanting your membership you simply divert some of the tax you pay into conservation .
21 Now , before we look at Campbell 's teaching more closely , let me mention another thinker who probably had some influence on him .
22 Firstly , to attract bright and enthusiastic people into our operation who we could then train up from scratch , and secondly , to provide a channel for individuals who already have some bakery or catering experience , and for whom our kind of operation could offer the opportunities for management development denied them elsewhere .
23 On a Saturday night I even saw some jewels .
24 The Digital effects on the other hand behaved very well , and while limited in their scope I quickly achieved some very good results .
25 ‘ On visiting the departments and faculties members found a polytechnic which still contains some academic work of a high standard , but which in general is dispirited , confused and without confidence ’ , the report says .
26 When they do surface from the unconscious they also retain some of their archaic characteristics .
27 But on the journey to Vadinamia I also spent some time giving a little thought to security .
28 At the station they fought their way through the crush of travellers to join the ticket queue which already numbered some three hundred people .
29 All too often it is this harsh environment which actually develops some of the best management , and it is noteworthy within our own company , how many of the leaders of the company have come from businesses which have had more than their fair share of struggle and adversity .
30 The Association of British Insurers points out an increasing trend among major insurers to offer selective cover for people who already have some elements of cover under existing household and life policies , or free with their credit and charge cards ( NatWest 's Gold card offers the only truly standalone , comprehensive travel cover ) .
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