Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] [adv] [verb] and " in BNC.

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1 Although I had precise engineering plans I nevertheless measured and remeasured the space .
2 The massacres would not be right from his viewpoint and wrong from theirs , he would be objectively right to kill and they to resist being killed ; the parallel would be to two contenders for a job both being right to apply in the eyes of all , not to each thinking himself right to apply and the other wrong .
3 Primatologist Emil Megel at the State University , New York , at Stoney Brook , concluded a conference on methods in the analysis of social interaction by asking workers to ‘ develop and refine methods which explicitly recognise and exploit , rather than attempt to eliminate , the observer 's prescientific , intuitive and global forms of judgement …
4 A Yes , shampoo hair with Redken 's Amino Pon Protein shampoo which gently cleanses and reinforces the structure of permed and colour-treated hair .
5 Ruth stood before the screened fireplace in her duchess gown , drinking her tea , the focus for all the eyes which constantly rose and came to her , and the old smiles which lifted up the lips over the discoloured , sharp old teeth .
6 There is a legacy of experience from earlier designs which inevitably guide and inhibit a new design .
7 The most extravagant possibilities of an egoism which both enhances and distorts awareness spring from the appetite for power .
8 Secondly , again despite the qualifications mentioned earlier , Foucault 's emphasis on the emergence of discourses and practice which both produce and regulate the objects of knowledge , does direct us correctly to investigate the role of particular apparatuses , such as the medical , psychiatric , social welfare , charity and legal institutions , in shaping sexualities .
9 Apart from desertion the other force which continually sapped and depleted the strength of every navy was disease .
10 Now , however , Louisa is winning the recognition her well composed and deeply appealing pictures deserve .
11 This is as true for print-on-paper publishers who may deliver products in hard copy but invariably originate electronically , as it is for electronic information traders who both originate and deliver their products in electronic form .
12 Irrespective of their magnitude , whether they are big or small , in each case think about the emotional weight you once gave and still give to them .
13 It would protect all those persons in Hollins v. Fowler who merely handled the cotton ministerially , such as a carrier who merely received and delivered the goods in the ordinary way and it would not save the man who had sold the cotton to another .
14 ‘ For the first time ever she had the figure she always wanted and wanted to share it with her fans , ’ said a friend .
15 Often , as many as half the inhabitants of a Victorian market town were craftsmen who both lived and worked on premises which were sited as near to the market place as possible .
16 ‘ Two criminal cases , involving one Soviet and one Afghan citizen who openly confessed and repented their actions against the Soviet Union , have been discontinued . ’
17 ‘ Two criminal cases , involving one Soviet and one Afghan citizen who openly confessed and repented their actions against the Soviet Union , have been discontinued . ’
18 Westerners , on the other hand , attribute to themselves many characteristics they most dislike and , moreover , grant these a powerful explanatory role .
19 IT WAS the result they least expected and most feared .
20 From another encylopedia , this time of African animals , she identified for us some of the small animals they occasionally caught and ate .
21 Party leaders and committee chairmen no longer carried the weight they once had and ordinary members now assumed that the secret of holding one 's seat in perpetuity depended on their success in cultivating their district .
22 Palestinians with relatives still inside Israel could pay two-week visits — many , like Damiani 's wife , have gone wistfully to look from a distance at the homes they once bought and lived in — and the same Israeli spokesman who referred to the Palestinian Arabs as ‘ a community of refugees ’ said that he had himself assisted 40,000 Palestinians to rejoin their families and become Israeli citizens .
23 Human Touch is the album he has been working on for several years and Lucky Town a set of songs he quickly wrote and recorded at home recently , and though the tone of the two records does n't differ that much , the second set of songs are far better .
24 when you turn your key it suddenly clicks and it clicks the thingy forward
25 The exception is a Scottish pig farmer who stands uneasily next to the carcass of Jamie , a pig he reluctantly slaughtered and to which he was so attached he credited it with the IQ of a three-year-old child .
26 Seen from a distance at night , the dimly lit vehicles resembled ‘ the folds of some gigantic and luminous serpent which never stopped and never ended ’ On either side of the road their headlamps lit up the bowed backs of the endless columns of marching men .
27 J. decided he wanted a photograph of me , and although I did tease him a bit about this — what did he want a photograph of me for when I was there in front of him most of the time ? — at his insistence I finally went and had it done .
28 No. 2 ( in reality ‘ No. 4 ’ ) is another work which both surprises and delights .
29 In his social criticism Eliot assumes an idea of England which never existed and proposes an England which could not exist : in the same way , his own vision of the world was too singular for him to be able to invest his social dramas with the emblematic or representative significance to which he aspired .
30 Writers like Maudsley and Spitzka represent a form of scientific morality which simultaneously reinforces and promises to alleviate parental sexual anxieties , while underlining parental authority within the middle-class family against the demands of adolescent youth for sexual and personal autonomy .
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