Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] [adv] [verb] of " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Honest , mister , I 'm the 'ardest luck case I ever 'eard of , ’ she said , halfway through the second sandwich .
2 I compare the Government 's record to the experience I once had of helping to redecorate a pensioner 's home to brighten up the dingy gloom .
3 I will not forget the many people I met in the course of developing the many images I now have of Slumptown Comprehensive .
4 I do n't know about you , but courage and integrity are the words I always think of when I consider record labels .
5 LADY JONES : Such sackcloth and ashes doings for a wedding I never heard of !
6 The programme of many modern philosophers , therefore , has been to develop a conception of man and his mind which either disposes of or downgrades the inner , private arena , making the function of mind essentially a part of the public and physical world .
7 What I know about palaeotology is n't too much I mean I obviously have to try and know a bit , but it 's not my field — erm in order to test the minor claim , you have to be able to get your hands on some rock which actually consists of continuous sedimentation over long periods of time .
8 This probably led to the practice which still exists of advertising agencies buying space in newspapers ( or time on television ) and receiving a commission from the media owner .
9 Almost desperately she sought solace in her own private ‘ pictures ’ , the programme she never tired of , which she had projected on to her drowsy mind countless times as she lay in bed before dropping off to sleep , or half-awake on Sunday mornings .
10 That 's because large events involve extra considerations you never dreamed of when doing a small conference .
11 And Lisa 's heart brimmed over as , with a look of adoration , Alexander responded with the words she never tired of hearing .
12 After their term they never speak of the mysteries they have witnessed .
13 Words he never thought of in the cottage .
14 Like Winckelmann he still speaks of " harmony " and " beauty " , but the ultimate source for his interpretation of these ideal values is not Greek sculpture , but Greek literature of the classical period , especially Plato and Pindar .
15 The latter is fascinating , especially in the glimpses it occasionally gives of the general principles and priorities which informed MI5 's work , and the unease these aroused in some quarters .
16 But to make even a minor improvement to effluent which already consists of relatively good quality water may involve the discharger in very heavy expenditure indeed ( see Kneese , 1973 ) .
17 But a course which only consisted of getting the student on to the inside of one or more disciplines would not count as a course of higher education ; it would merely be a training in those disciplines .
18 It is an honour I never dreamt of .
19 ‘ This is the most arrant , selfish , unpatriotic swindle I ever heard of , ’ he said thickly .
20 She thought that she knew who the lucky man might be , and it took all her strength of mind not to betray the dreadful emotions which merely thinking of him aroused in her .
21 As she walked along , passing the blocks she still thought of as the ‘ new ’ flats , she caught sight of her grandson Jasper disappearing , in company with three other boys of similar age , into the narrow alley which led to the railway bridge .
22 As a child she always dreamt of working with animals .
23 But it is right to notice and celebrate the many positive experiences we already have of the activity of women in the church .
24 When we look at the colour pattern of a cat we automatically think of it as something the animal inherits from its parents .
25 To Leopold Survage he also spoke of his mother with affection and respect .
26 Its reputation was lifted in the sixteenth century , when Marguerite de Navarre came here and ( perhaps ) wrote some of her Heptameron , as a respite from the rigours of the cure , before the atrocious weather — in the prologue she quickly complains of the rainfall in Cauterets — drove her down to Sarrance .
27 I could not be happy doing that , but as a pop singer I was in my element , because really all I d I did n't even think of it as singing , I thought of it , when I performed on stage as a pop singer I just thought of of it really of making love to the audience .
28 He said : ‘ In the early days I always dreamed of going to the Olympics , doing well and then eventually turning professional .
29 Good point I never thought of that before .
30 During the next three and a half years I often thought of this meal and of the amount I had to leave on my plate because I could not eat any more .
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