Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] [modal v] of [be] " in BNC.

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1 Well then you 'll have to sort , by then with a bit of luck you might of been established with somewhere yourself might n't ya ?
2 He used to be a crane driver dear for , yeah he used and I 've got to , one of me sons now is a foreman for , well they 're not now it 's , it 's sort of amal amalgamated with another firm now I think , but he does , he does erm , he 's a foreman like now , he used to be a truck , crane driver and my , the very night that my hubby died on the following Monday he would of been working in Harlow , he got a new crane to take over in Harlow and he 'd been working away from home for weeks and months of the year always away , coming home weekends and I used to have to cook and do his washing and pack him up for going off again Monday morning early , but he never was near home working then , and as I say the night before he went he was , he was gon na work on the Monday to in Old , to Harlow down where the new er place was for and it unfortunately cos he went .
3 Its a , during the course of the time of the crucifixion , Jesus is on the cross and its says there , there were two others also who were criminals , were being lead away to be put to death with Jesus and they came to the place called The Skull , there they crucified him and the criminals one on the right and the other on the left , but Jesus was saying father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing , and they cast locks divided up his garments among themselves and the people stood by and looking on and even the rulers was sneering at him excuse me , and even the rulers were sneering at him saying he saved others , let him save himself if this is the Christ of god , his chosen one , and the soldiers also mocked him , coming up to him offering sour wine and saying if your the king of the Jews save yourself now there was also an inscription above him , this is the kind of the Jews , and one of the criminals who was hanged there was hurling abut at him and saying you are not the Christ , save yourself and us , but the other answered and rebuking him said do you not even fear god , since you are under the same sentence of condemnation and we indeed justly for we are receiving what we deserve for our deeds , but this man has done nothing wrong and he was say , and he was saying Jesus remember me when you come in your kingdom , Jesus said to him truly I say to you today you shall be with me in paradise I wonder if you 've ever been in that awful position of facing of what you thought was certain death perhaps you were seriously ill and er , there seemed little hope of your recovery , perhaps you were facing some danger , some , some risk and it seemed almost certain that short of a miracle you were gon na die , I wonder what sort of thoughts would have been going through your mind , maybe w , may well be that you were with other people , I wonder what sort of things if you were in a condition of speaking , what sort of things you would of been saying to them .
4 He had some stuff nicked , a ski jacket which cost me seventy five quid it were half , the rest it should of been a hundred and fifty
5 through drink he could of been a really brilliant football player he could of made a lot of money and
6 Oh yes , yes , we , the we had an extremely large rooms , I do n't know went , what , what , what went wrong the architect but we had two enormous rooms which could of been quite easily divided into three , but we could of had two bedrooms instead of one and the conse
7 The first form talked about it more than any one else , of course they squealed with laughter when they saw the poor Mary Lou Manselle and Gwendoline , all falling victims to the same spider , jolly clever spider said Irene , it means the only three people in the form that it that would be scared of it , I take my hat off to that spider , ca n't think why it chose my desk said Mary Lou , no , that was a shame said Gwendoline , poor Mary Lou it must of been an awful shock for you when you saw it , I wonder who put it there ?
8 Yeah , but you have an E you would of been much better off would n't you ?
9 but it , he paid back five quid well Geoffrey said in reality it must of been about twenty quid that kid had taken but er he said they made him pay back five pounds , so at least they
10 I went to change me poll tax and er I says to her , I says , I should be court to Monday oh she says you 've got a fifteen pound court thing , I says aye , she says oh well that 's fifteen pound , I says it 's not cos I 'm not paying it I says I 'm not paying the fifteen pound to the court , I says , I says how come last year I did n't pay right round to February last year I said and yet I , your last payment 's next month , you know , she said oh well they 're stricter this year she says , she , if you 'd pay the half year you 'd of been alright
11 If if she 'd of had her way she would of been the dictator of this
12 if I 'd got here a minute quicker I 'd got you some chocolate biscuits you could of been having with that cup of tea
13 Well I told her that I get , I said to her look Margaret you could of been , you could of closed your eyes and he could of happened
14 Because there 's always been an opport , I mean even if your sort of poor , there 's always the opportunity , I mean I learnt to drive and then the driving instructor erm , lived next door to my mother saying , it , at the time it should of been three pound and erm , he let us have it for two pound
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