Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] [adv] [vb mod] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Naïve unsophisticated statements such as these marked a regeneration which perhaps must be experienced by more than a handful of prisoners if we are to care enough about civilization to want to save it .
2 ( 7 ) On remitting a case to a licensing board under subsection ( 6 ) above , the sheriff may : ( a ) specify a date by which the rehearing by the board must take place ; modify any procedural steps which otherwise would be required in relation to the matter by or under any enactment ; and any decision of a licensing board on any such case shall be valid as if reached at a quarterly meeting as mentioned in section 4(1) ( a ) of this Act .
3 The results will be implemented in a long term interpretation programme for the Park , a programme which hopefully will be adopted elsewhere .
4 Marx 's and Engels 's first concern with anthropological material was therefore to show the variety that exists in the nature of social relations , and the historical peculiarity of a society where one group of people treat others only in respect of the labour they provide , labour which then can be bought and sold as though it was any other useful article .
5 This can serve not only as a useful means of cost control but it also ensures that the client is not left until the end of the design stage without any information about the type of building which ultimately will be provided .
6 Frankly there just is n't the money to go around , and kids are being made to suffer for long periods of time er for operations which really could be done if only they had the money .
7 The statement by Adam Smith that businessmen 's meetings , even for ‘ merriment and diversion ’ , usually end up in connivance to restrict competition , is often quoted , but the sentence which follows it is equally perceptive : ‘ It is impossible indeed to prevent such meetings , by any law which either could be executed , or would be consistent with liberty and justice . ’
8 Put it on the , on the er on that desk which probably will be better .
9 So is a very brave Jane Hollis who really should be covered from head to foot to cope ; with even Lossiemouth 's best day !
10 Now I do n't know of course who else may be er wishing to comment .
11 In this volume , he argues against ‘ essentialism ’ , by which he means the application of a cross-culturally applicable definition based on some ‘ essence ’ of aggression which then can be ‘ employed to ‘ read off ’ the nature of acts ’ .
12 This has become more of a priority under the Gorbachev leadership since the Kampuchean conflict continues to obstruct a normalisation of Sino-Soviet relations , a process which otherwise could be expected .
13 The only exception I would make to this rule is if there are special guests who actually should be ‘ on-show ’ because they enhance the programme , for whatever reason .
14 DIANA BROWN Masterplan ( London ) Welcome return for a singer who really should be a star
15 Some exorcisms , for example , describe conditions which today would be thought of us mental illness or , in some cases , epilepsy .
16 In such circumstances , an event which normally would be considered insignificant might produce a reaction of worthlessness , guilt or shame ; or might provoke over-criticism of others , probably a subconscious effort to raise self-esteem .
17 Again for sweaters , little crescent moons and stars scattered over the fabric makes a very pretty design , as does one big intarsia crescent moon which again can be classically simple or fun with a face on it .
18 If you really want to get to grips with inland detecting , then I suggest you learn a little Portuguese and try to make yourself understood to any of the farmers who invariably can be seen selling oranges by the roadside .
19 We knew that any night we also would be ‘ target for tonight ’ for through West Brompton , along our borders , ran the only usable railway from the south to the north of Britain .
20 Where we used to see an organ with its automated conductor and maybe a waterfall thrown in for good measure , we now have canned music and disc jockeys aping their favourites from radio or TV and hoping against hope that one day they too may be discovered .
21 No doubt some will stay on to summer in Shetland and encourage us to hope that some day it too may be found nesting .
22 If I am attempting to guide others in their pilgrimage I too must be a traveller , perhaps further on but still travelling , seeking , discovering .
23 They did not shrink from assassination and , in so far as the technology of the epoch allowed , they employed techniques which today would be associated with terrorism .
24 FROM the North-East 's premier orchestra comes an offer which surely could be refused .
25 The organisers stated : ‘ Our self-set pre-condition to make use of these non-museal living spaces and workshops for our projects is to consider in each of the exhibition concepts the residents and history of this part of the city : former Jewish district which today may be rundown and falling apart , but which , in the long run , will belong to the government district of an emerging capital with modern architecture . ’
26 Bryan , prior to joining Rentokil , worked in design engineering and sales which obviously will be advantageous when dealing with factory managers .
27 It is easy to see that this was a practical means of enclosing a large volume which then could be used for the storage of grain , and the profile is reminiscent of the gambrel-roofed hay barns in the USA .
28 The people who probably will be most interested in my explanation are those in Scotland and perhaps those in the North West , because those two Divisions had the distinction of ‘ advertising ’ their Annual Dinners in the Autumn edition of ‘ The Embalmer ’ , either in the Calendar of Events or as a separate notice , and saw the magazine arrive after the event !
29 There can be little doubt that the appeal was extensive among those people who now would be designated ‘ the underprivileged- ’ .
30 ‘ And on my current strike rate it certainly could be during the England series . ’
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