Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] [verb] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I had to tag him on to group deals as a makeweight — you know , like the contract I did for twelve of my players with UK Airlines .
2 Whatever reply I find for that one , obviously it is not going to be
3 somebody 's Chronicle I borrowed for some reason
4 I apply a multiplier of nine , it follows that the figure I allow for this period is five hundred and thirty four thousand seven hundred and ninety seven pounds and sixty four pence and the total cost of future care is therefore eight hundred and ninety four thousand seven hundred and ninety seven pounds and sixty four pence .
5 Nineteen fifty one , we moved in , er and , I 've had , you 're not the first person to come all round here , this house , they used , they used to come round in shows from the Corporation all visitors used to come , they used to say , right Jean can we bring them round we 've had people from Germany and everywhere and being in the architect 's department I fell for all this you know I had
6 I think perhaps it is the cocaine I keep for medical purposes , pure , straight cocaine .
7 We could eventually remove from human life all the characteristics which make for human distress — criminality , war-making , and the like . ’
8 In 1978 the Mariana Islands ( excluding Guam ) had opted for status as a self-governing commonwealth of the USA , and in 1982 the FSM and the Marshall Islands had signed compacts of free association which provided for internal sovereignty and US economic support in return for continuing US control of their defence and foreign policies .
9 By 1832 an enormous wing was attached to Forston 's north side which stretched for five hundred feet and accommodated 65 patients and half as many staff .
10 Crisis management apart , there is the constant burden of casework which calls for much reading of detailed dossiers before reaching decisions on individual cases .
11 Abu Dhabi has major oil reserves which account for some 8% of
12 On the other hand it may represent a genuine attempt by specialists in related subjects to sit down together and plan a programme which allows for separate activities but suggests common themes and provides examples of integrated lessons as in the Nigerian Cultural and Creative Art syllabus .
13 Movement and Dance and Medau in particular come into the plan from 1983 in an ongoing programme which lasts for three years .
14 Any model of the mind which allows for such a possibility is not a simple one , and hints at , if it does not actually affirm , the existence of the unconscious .
15 One of a new generation of slow down utilities which caters for high speed 80386 and 80486 computers .
16 This is accomplished through the ordering of edges on the Agenda , and through the direction-independent nature of the Fundamental Rule which looks for possible extensions to hypotheses .
17 Fifteen years of one-party rule ended formally on Nov. 30 when a new Constitution came into effect which provided for multiparty democracy and a free-market economy .
18 The incident sparked off a riot which lasted for three days [ see p. 37081 ] , and racial tension had been high during the trial .
19 Just prior to the flight a 300-hour inspection had been performed on the aircraft which calls for full travel of the horizontal stabilizer in both directions .
20 Meetings on Thursday night and Friday morning also ended without a decision to accept the deal which provides for Palestinian self-rule in the Gaza Strip and Jericho .
21 Cakici and Chatterjee ( 1991 ) examined daily closing prices for the S&P500 from 1982 to 1987 , and compared the mispricings calculated using a no-arbitrage condition which allowed for stochastic interest rates and one which did not .
22 He 's come up with an organic binder which makes it possible to turn the left-over dust into briquettes which burn for two and half hours .
23 ‘ I thought I would use a grenade ’ , said Vu Van Hau , a 22-year-old Vietnamese soldier who served for three years in Kompong Cham and Kompong Thom provinces , before returning to his native Ho Chi Minh City as part of the September withdrawal .
24 Particular units who operated for long periods at a time in the jungle became so adept in their surroundings they became known as ‘ Green Ghosts ’ .
25 That was David who works for Fast Forward .
26 New tests have been introduced for candidates who apply for top council posts in Sefton .
27 The pictures she shot for the cinema were negligible compared to the pictures she shot for pure publicity .
28 Knowing what a talent you have for these things , you 'll probably have it sorted out in two ticks . ’
29 If you like the alternative you search for another like that , and so on .
30 The reason is that foreign companies want to come here for a highly trained and highly motivated work force who work for good British companies .
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