Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] [verb] [be] one " in BNC.

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1 Her Royal Highness sat at a round table with the Duke and Duchess of Westminster , Viscount and Viscountess Astor , Mr and Mrs Ian Bruce he is the Director General of the RNIB ; $insert names$ and his sister Lady Aird who has been one of Princess Margaret 's ladies-in-waiting for thirty years , and was in attendance this evening .
2 Starring Anthony Hopkins , it was based on a book by an American journalist who 'd been one of the first people into the bunker after the allied victory .
3 In late March the Chamber of Deputies approved a bill relating to the regulation of the banking sector , sometimes referred to as the " Amato law " after Giuliano Amato , the Socialist Treasury Minister in the previous De Mita administration who had been one of its prime movers .
4 Now that the Colonello had been taken away , the only Italian from the camp who remained was one of the two interpreters , Capitano Camino , who had an excellent command of English because he had been a businessman in England before the war .
5 When , therefore , I say ‘ The colour I saw yesterday was a white colour , , or ‘ The sensation I feel is one of tightness ’ , in both cases the attribute I affirm of the colour or of the other sensation is mere resemblance — simple likeness to sensations I have had before , and which have had those names bestowed upon them .
6 He was the younger of the twin Beaumont brothers , sons of the elder Robert who had been one of the most reliable props of old King Henry 's firm rule , and they in their turn had been as staunch in support of King Stephen .
7 However , although the first part is quiet , the quietness is deadly — it is the still of a battlefield after a battle — the sort of picture you have is one of a film of war where the previous scene has been fast , tense and confusing with loud , dramatic music and scenes of battle and suddenly everything becomes quiet as the camera moves slowly over a battle field strewn with bodies — this is the sort of stillness of these lines — the stillness of death .
8 The innate vivacity which had been one of her main attractions , seemed to have deserted her .
9 His father 's idea of universities was narrow in the extreme and possibly based on his own education which had been one of strict discipline and the basic three Rs ; he had left school at thirteen and had to work hard for very little reward .
10 Well-meaning and pious , he was of mediocre intelligence and inherited the timidity which had been one of Louis XV 's greatest weaknesses .
11 Well if they take as long to do it I mean good heavens there 's been one clanking manhole cover at Halam and it has taken them weeks to do it .
12 Since the death of Poulantzas there have been one or two attempts by Marxist and neo-Marxist theoreticians to accommodate some of these substantive criticisms .
13 Why , even Peggy herself had been one of his targets — until he realized there was no chance for him there .
14 As she could not afford to keep a nanny or an au pair , having permanently available a woman who had borne and reared ten children , together with a woman who had been one of them , had been to Scarlet a godsend .
15 This is , of course , because she loves books and the library she visits is one of her favourite places .
16 The house felt lonely without him , but she realized that the strange feeling she had was one of happiness .
17 For the most part they had been one of Europe 's invisible , historyless , subject peoples .
18 The village is a tiny place ; the chances of the client and the man you followed being one and the same must be quite high . ’
19 It 's always been a slaughterhouse all my life that , all , all my life there 's been one , young girls use them , use some of them food shops round here
20 He thought they were old already in 991 ; he saw they could be said as well by a heathen as a Christian ; he thought the fierce spirit they expressed was one of the reasons for Beorhtnoth 's rash decision to let the Vikings cross the river and fight on level ground ; they had led to defeat and the death of the innocent .
21 THE IRA murdered a man it said was one of its former members yesterday and claimed he was a police informer .
22 Or how about Sir George Gardiner , the Thatcherite MP who has been one of the Major Government 's most persistent critics ?
23 She was always clean , you could n't fault her for cleanliness , but I 'm sure she must of either washed her clothes in the toilets , you know , wash basin in the toilets because that was the only thing she had was one bag and she used to , er , her pension book was in and er erm
24 You did it by twelfths and we got four twelfths and the other answer we got was one third .
25 Sausage rolls or something Yes that 's er had a for that we cou we stopped there at I 've never been up that wa that way at that 's about the farthest north I 've been one of these coaches erm two , two , two or three times and er and er I 'd seen that Betty 's on er on television before .
26 In London she had been one of the founding members of Bit .
27 Where among the fathers there had been one representative each of gamekeeper , watchman , pilot , none of these trades was represented among the husbands : instead there were one each of policeman , teacher , minister of religion , prison warder and two farmers : occupations entirely absent from the list of fathers .
28 Use of plant I think was one of the things you were concerned about ?
29 In fact you 've been one long disappointment , old bean . ’
30 There were many other people around from every age-group , yet the overall impression she received was one of unhurried leisure .
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