Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] what [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Views about what constitutes a typical family vary .
2 The Unemployment Society is what will come about , he suggests , if we merely follow present trends and if we persist , as a society , with our present views about what constitutes a full-time permanent job .
3 Permitting management to use their discretion to run a company for the public benefit may be tantamount to encouraging them to run it according to their own moral and political views about what constitutes the public benefit .
4 After his release he lived in Kent , preaching regularly in Rochester Cathedral and laying the foundations for what became the Quaker community there .
5 He took the instrument and listened to Sandy 's heart for what seemed a long time .
6 Most of them use small sets of rules about what constitutes an affix which can safely be removed , and any stem " normalization " which may thereafter be needed to achieve conflation ( e.g. , " absorption " — " absorb " " travelling " — " travel " ) .
7 These responses are based specifically upon native speakers ' intuitions about what constitutes a well-formed , coherent narrative .
8 Grant forced himself to hold the challenging stare of the glittering black eyes for what seemed an age , but what was in fact only a few seconds .
9 Briefly , the image of Lexandro 's own two indulged foolish siblings , Andria and Phoeba , flitted through his consciousness for what seemed the first time in years .
10 The Dutch may hate the congestion , the fumes and the wasted time brought by cars , but ownership is nevertheless as essential to their perception of what constitutes the quality of life as a bathroom and central heating .
11 Several factors influence our choice of subjects and we must look beyond the primary considerations of what catches the eye and how much will it cost ?
12 He gave no specific indication of what powers the parliament would have , and he sounded a cautionary note on the abuse of power .
13 There is implicit in this socialist debate , and in the wider discussion of reform and revolution , a specific conception of what constitutes a major change in the political system .
14 Galtung goes on to suggest that social science needs a much richer conception of what constitutes the social unit , bearing in mind that these may well need to change from society to society .
15 Then you evaluate it against your own particular conception of what makes a DTP package .
16 But the model of management that lay at the heart of this strategy was narrow , both in its conception of what makes the management of public services distinctive and in the lessons it chose to draw from the business world .
17 Its centre lies in the recognition of what impedes the sight of love , whereas Scale 2 is occupied with facilitating recognition of the nature of God 's being — love — in man .
18 Marseille 's foreign stars , Croat Alen Boksic and German international Rudi Voeller had earlier fired the Frenchmen into what looked an unassailable lead , but they had n't counted on Rangers ' indomitable spirit .
19 The techniques just described are no more than guidelines in what remains the creative art of studying and describing what an experienced worker is doing or will be required to do .
20 There was an Irish League poster announcing a talk by Mr Richmond MP in Newry , illustrations of assassinations of crowned heads in what seemed every capital of Europe , and most unexpectedly on the mantel above the tiny coal fireplace , a framed photograph of Noreen .
21 Many Arabs who lost their homes in what became the state of Israel and settled on the West Bank in 1948 became refugees for a second time during the Six Day War in 1967 .
22 He caught a cold on his way to Tangiers which affected his left lung , but this was merely the prelude to what became an unfortunate trip .
23 Although there has been much research on the determination of asset prices , there has been little research on what determines the volume of turnover in asset markets .
24 ‘ You have to understand part of what caused the obsession .
25 With many relationships the case for self-creation is even stronger , since in them the fact that one chose to have a relationship of a certain kind and chose one 's partner is part of what makes the relationship valuable .
26 The return of the Fall Guys was a pleasurable part of what proved a stirring downhill pipe-opener .
27 We can see that he had two views of what constitutes a ‘ law ’ , or perhaps we should say that he had two views as to how ‘ laws ’ manifest themselves .
28 And here we may note that the definitions of what constituted a Soviet national appear to be unique and to derive from no other known document or authority .
29 The house was the underground headquarters of what became the military wing of the ANC , Umkhonto we Sizwe , Spear of the Nation .
30 The senior component of what became The East Surrey Regiment under the 1881 Cardwell Reforms had been raised in Huntingdonshire in 1702 as The 31st Regiment of Foot .
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