Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] which [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He wore old jeans , espadrilles and a torn blue T-shirt through which spilled a lot of black chest-hair .
2 His ancestral village and its myths were three hundred years in the past , and the clear , blue waters of the bay were a sludge of industrial effluent through which thrashed the occasional blinded seabird .
3 A flame through which to drag the time ?
4 A minority of the more sophisticated industrialists , technical experts , academics , and publicists enthusiastic about Russia 's industrialization did begin , with official support , to form organizations through which to voice the needs of industry .
5 The difference in this case is that , given the character points in fig 1.2ii there is no indication about which sequence the points were created in .
6 Nostalgia , as recently deployed in the Prime Minister 's sepia invocation of the village bakery , is just about the worst instrument through which to view the future .
7 The boilers to raise the necessary steam were of ‘ Lancashire ’ type , the characteristics of which enable a small amount of steam to be supplied over long periods with a minimum of attention , which was the type of duty envisaged for this plant .
8 VERTUS : An accumulation of weathered deposits of loess and colluvial calcareous clayey-silt and iron-bearing flinty pebbles radiates outwards from the village , two particularly large legs of which follow the Côte north and south .
9 The remedy for this doubt must begin with a careful discernment of which stage the doubt is in and what the root of the lack of conviction is .
10 Hoping to make a fortune for himself , he invests his savings , and induces Clennam to do likewise , in one of Merdle 's companies , the subsequent collapse of which involves the ruin of them both .
11 In June the FNTT , under the pressure of rising rural unemployment and employer intransigence , called an agricultural labourers ' strike , the swift collapse of which dealt a serious blow to the entire UGT .
12 However , since other issues had been fully argued the court continued to deliver a comprehensive judgment of persuasive authority , some aspects of which have an important bearing on the issues raised in this appeal .
13 Yanto brought the overloaded bike to a skidding halt just short of the sharply rising earth bank , the other side of which lay the muddy banks of the river .
14 I LEFT Ladislav near to the Staroměstské náměsti ( Old Town Square ) , to the north side of which stands the statue erected in 1915 on the five-hundredth anniversary of the burning for heresy of Jan Hus , one of the founders of the European radical tradition .
15 Indirect methods require the establishment of appropriate databases against which to compare the composition , or other characteristic , of the questionable object .
16 As Beatson has stated , ‘ a system that uses the pragmatic approach is not using the concept of error of law as an organizing principle ’ as such , but rather as a facade behind which to weigh the relative competence of court and agency .
17 Position fixes and height data against which to check the glide path and Altimeters , are laid down in the approach charts at specific distances on DME .
18 Then cut suitable wooden stands with which to support the strengtheners until the silicone has set .
19 Even Ipuky could not arrange for him to see this body , and he no longer had the cachet of officialdom with which to browbeat the embalmer .
20 It is also hard to find a yardstick with which to compare the preservation of more than 99 per cent of information in 20 billion successive copyings .
21 Modern breeds of these homing pigeons return so reliably and are so tame and amenable that they make excellent subjects with which to investigate the homing ability .
22 And he wanted to make similar remarks about our initial belief that though we use the same language and agree on the words with which to describe the colours of the objects around us , still we might for all we know see the objects completely differently ; an object that causes in me what I call a sensation of red may cause in you what I would call a sensation of blue , though we can never know this since we will continue to agree on what to say and on how to act in our differently coloured environments ( we will all stop at a red traffic light , for instance ) .
23 The entreaty was breathless and she hesitated , trying to shape words with which to express the single , vital question suddenly hammering away at her mind .
24 Wavebreaker , despite her ethereal beauty , was not the most practical boat with which to cruise the Bahamas .
25 I jumped out of the car and began to collect up fallen pine branches with which to camouflage the vehicle .
26 ‘ Realism ’ in International Relations inherited both the presumption that the methods of natural science are the key with which to unlock the social world and the ambivalence about ‘ necessary and constant ’ .
27 If the dress is being specially made for the bride it should be an easy matter to ask for an extra piece of the fabric with which to create the background , but since this is often not the case , a compromise must be reached .
28 BRITISH construction industry bosses are running out of superlatives with which to describe the slump .
29 Thus , the whole thrust ( of what in fact is a much more extended " retrospect " than indicated in this summary ) is towards the constriction of English as a sufficiently compact cultural instrument with which to refound the system of education :
30 There was also an implicit condemnation of atomic weapons : ‘ In this age which boasts of its atomic power , it no longer makes sense ( alienum a ratione est ) to maintain that war is a fit instrument with which to repair the violation of justice . ’
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